OpenAI “is not for sale,” says one of its leaders after the purchase offer of Elon Musk

The American company OpenaiChatbot creator ChatGPT“It is not for sale,” said one of its managers in Paris on Tuesday, a few hours after an offer from billionaire Elon Musk valued at 97.4 billion dollars.

“Openai is not for sale and any suggestion in the opposite direction is really misleading,” Chris Lehane, vice president in charge of public affairs in Openai told the press, during an event in Paris organized outside the World Summit of Artificial Intelligence.

According to the newspaper Wall Street Journal, the consortium led by Elon Musk proposed $ 97.4 billion on Monday to the Board of Directors for the acquisition of the entity.

This unre requested offer comes while Sam Altman, the head of Openai, in Paris this Tuesday in the framework of the AI ​​summit, tries to raise funds and transform the start-up into a company for lucrative purposes.

The offer “comes from a competitor, who has difficulty staying at technological level and competing with us in the market,” said Chris Lehane.

At the head of giants such as Tesla and Spacex, owner of the social network X, Elon Musk launched in 2023 its own generative start-up, XAI.

The billionaire close to Trump is one of Openai’s co-founders, and regularly attacks Sam Altman, whom he failed in particular for having distorted the initial mission of the start-up, focused on a reasoned development of AI.

In December, he opened a new judicial front against the star of Silicon Valley, asking US justice to prevent Openai from becoming a company for lucrative purposes.

By Editor

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