As a word, it means an underground, broader concept that is not known to the general public. For example, a band may be so little known or perhaps so bad that few people listen to it.
The animal world equivalent to the underground is a bag container in Australia. It’s so “uugee” that it is impossible to find it unless you know exactly where it is going to perform tonight.
Bag container That is, the bag of pouch was digging through the great desert of Australia long before man stepped on his entire continent.
It is a slightly bigger mouse who has perfectly adapted to an underground life.
The bag container has no eyes and its muzzle has become a kind of armor. Its chicks develop in a stomach bag such as kangaroos. However, in Kontiainen, the bag opens back. This way there is no sand when the animal presses to go underground.
Bag container In a way, there are the rarest animals in the world. They are only seen a few times in the decade, and it is difficult to even look for them in the desert.
So when the University of Melbourne wanted to study bag containers, it was a problem. Where would the animal find for examination? Few of us have a bag container in the freezer, but one museum had, and this resulted in tissues and DNA samples to the laboratory.
Science Advances Thus, in the science magazine, researchers recently explored what a bag container is right.
It is not related to the users of the users, but a completely different animal, probably from a mammal that once lived in a rainforest. The closest family of the bag container are bagpies and pouch canins.
The genes saw how its vision -controlled genes have extinguished one by one when the animal was once adapted to underground. It also has an extra gene for hemoglobin to make the oxygen more efficient when digging tunnels.
Pouch It is believed to be endangered, but it is difficult to make sure that no one ever can ever see an animal.