The smartest fish in the sea

Manta rays can be one of the smartest fish in the ocean with the largest brain and brain areas associated with the ability to communicate, solve problems and learn very developed.


Manta rays of Mobula. Image: AllhingLi Angkin

Manta rays have the largest brain among any fish swimming in the ocean. They are cartilage fish of the Mobula, can swim a huge distance to search for fleeting animals. Their lifestyle requires good way of finding the way and senses. They can synthesize behaviors to optimize feeding, like targeting human lights to find bait. The light attracts more food and Manta rays use this method from the 1970s, according to IFL Science.

According to Oceana, the brain of rays is quite large even when compared to their body size. They have a bigger brain than any fish (including whale sharks, the largest fish in the ocean) and there are many extremely developed brain areas associated with communication, problem solving and learning.

Manta rays have been captured by the famous mirror test, in which the animal is reflected to find out if they can recognize themselves. Research in 2016 found a prerequisite to overcome examination of mirrors when ray manta did not seek to interact with the reflection image and often show unusual repetitive movements in front of the mirror, proving that they are Random inspection. The animal moves to determine whether the reflection is moving or not.

These behaviors include rolling, stretching, and blowing bubbles when looking at the mirror. However, the researchers emphasized that the scoring should be checked to confirm whether this constitutes self -awareness.

Manta rays may be the largest brain, but that has no direct correlation with intelligence. “Many researchers believe that intelligence is a very difficult concept to define and it is more difficult to check fairly,” said Dr. Alecia Carter at the University of London, an animal behavior expert.

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