Due to easy disappearing almost as soon as creating, anti -material extremely difficult to produce and research, leading to unbelievable high prices.
Material factory in CERN. Image: CERN
With a price of 62,000 billion USD/gram, antimpleting is the most expensive type on Earth. However, even when you have money, it is not sure to have a gram of antimatter in the universe. Unlike gems or metals, you cannot dig this super rare material from the ground. Instead, it needs to be combined by each atom in the process that can take up to one billion years to collect 1/10 grams, according to Mail.
Despite being like an object in the science fiction film, the anti -material atom is said to be the most expensive material in the world. Like the twin version of ordinary matter, antimpleting is the “mirror image” of the atom and the grain that constitutes the world around us. When matter and antimpleting meet, they completely eliminate each other and release huge energy. This means that anti -material disappears almost immediately after creating, making it extremely expensive to store and research it.
All atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons and atomic lower particles create ants, which are made of material. But each type of matter has an identical antimatter version of the opposite charge. For example, while the proton carries positive charge, Antiproton has a negative charge. These anti -seeds can combine into atomic, molecular, even planet and anti -galaxy reaction, theoretical.
In 1999, scientist Harold Gerrish of NASA estimated the price of antimatter 62,000 USD/gram based on relevant energy and estimated production capacity. Although Gerrish speculated that the final price would decrease, when learning the technical challenges in creating antimatter, the real price could even be higher.
“We generate small amounts that even if you use all the anti -material that we produce in a year is not enough to boil a cup of tea. 1/100 Nanogram antametan is equivalent to a one equivalent. Golden Killam, “said Professor Michael Doser, a particle physicist at the European nuclear research organization (CERN), said.
The new antimatter is created at all times, around us and even within the human body. When radioactive materials such as potassium decay, they produce an electron and an anti -electron bead called positron. This means bananas, the fruit is rich in potassium, producing about one anti -material seed per hour. However, because they were quickly eliminated by the surrounding matter.
At Cern, scientists use a huge granular accelerator to accelerate proton and positive charges, so that they will crash into the Iridium block. About one of the millions of collisions, huge energy focused on a physical grain and the antimatter version was born. These particles were then led to the machine called Antiproton gearing machine, using a powerful magnet to focus on antimatter into the flow at a speed at 1/10 of the light speed. However, the whole process of consuming energy is so unbelievable.
CERN’s granular accelerator accounts for about 90% of the annual electricity bill (1,250 gigawatt) of the Research Center. To compare, London estimates that 37,800 Gigawatts each year. In addition, this process only produces extremely small amounts of antimatter, about a few nanograms each year.
But creating antimatter is not the last problem because it will be destroyed if exposed to common matter. In order to prevent newly formed anti -material from being eliminated, it needs to be carefully controlled by a super cold magnet inside the vacuum chamber completely. The record of anti -material storage is now 405 days for single seeds and 17 minutes with anti -atomic. The CERN research team is testing a method of using magnets to transport antimatter out of the lab, carrying trucks to another research center. However, a recent test successfully only transported 70 regular physical protons, not even less than a physical nanogram.
With all of the above difficulties, you may wonder why scientists persevere creating so expensive and expensive matter. The reason is that the mysterious discovery of dark matter can help us find out why the universe has the current shape. When the universe begins, scientists believe that both matter and antimpleting are created in huge quantities, they eliminate each other until only the material constitutes the universe. This means that the material or antimatter has a very small difference. Another possibility is that we exist in the space full of material while the anti -materialist area hidden somewhere.
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