Digital Dotox or London nights without mobile phone

“I leave it with pleasure! For that I came, ”says Lois Shafier, 35, detaching from her Mobile phone at the entrance of a “Offline Club” party in London. There are no messages here, or social networksonly meetings in the real world.

Tickets for these “digital detoxifying” two hours are exhausted. In mid -February, the box office hung the “complete” poster with more than 150 attendees, most between 20 and 35 years.

For enjoying that moment without a phone they paid 9.50 pounds (about 12 dollars).

“We are the generation of technology and social networks, but we are fed up. We want to reconnect with the real world, ”says Bianca Bolum.

It is the second time that this 25 -year -old jewelry designer participates in one of these parties. It comes alone and hopes to meet other people.

According to Ofcom, regulatory body of the Telecommunications sector in the United Kingdom, the British between 25 and 34 years connect an average of four hours and three minutes per day to their mobile.

Liliann Delacruz, 22, explains that he spends about ten hours a day talking with his family or friends and sailing on social networks. “I am here to get out of my bubble,” says this student.

At the tables where participants feel there are games, material to paint or do other manual activities.

“Having left my phone is liberating,” says Harry Stead, a 25 -year -old engineer. “I often feel the need to look at him,” he acknowledges, for fear of missing something.

“Solitude epidemic”

Lois Shafier confesses “addicted” to the phone, something that claims “hate.” This 35 -year -old executive was accompanied by a friend with whom they talk while sewing.

If he were at home, “sure” he was attached to his phone. In fact, when the party ends, turn it on quickly.

It is ironic that participants knew the existence of the club through social networks.

“I am not against technology. I do not say that you have to get rid of the phone, ”explains Ben Hounsell, 23, founder of this London club. But “many people realize that leaving it for a few hours,” he says.

Since the club opened at the end of October, more than 2,000 people have participated. “It’s growing rapidly,” he explains.

This type of club has also arrived in Paris, Barcelona and Dubai. The first was created a year ago in Amsterdam, by Ilya Kneppelhout and two friends.

For Kneppelout, there is “addiction” to the mobile and social networks. “We hook ourselves knowing that it does not do us well,” he says.

These no connection clubs also respond to “an epidemic of loneliness.” “People are looking for real interaction with other people, far from the screens,” he explains.

“Take control”

Ilya Kneppelout was inspired by reading clubs, such as Reading Rhythms, in New York, or Silent Book Club, in several cities in the world, where people meet to read in the company of other people.

To disconnect from the phone for several days, there are retirement places in many countries.

Even some ‘influencers’ tried to lower the pace. The French Léna Mahfouf told her millions of followers her “month without connection” in November.

Venetia La Manna, writer and content creator, known for her work on social justice, sustainability and emotional well -being, disconnects every weekend and makes it known with the hashtag #offline48. “I am more with my loved ones. I sleep better. I am more creative, ”he explains to AFP.

In most cases, social phones and social networks “do not damage mental health,” says Anna Cox, professor at the UCL University of London, specialized in interaction between humans and technologies.

This is more, he says, of the “lost opportunities”, for example of talking with your partner.

But there are “excellent strategies” to control the use of telephone and social networks, such as applications that establish time limits. Configuring black and white screens also makes them less attractive.

“We need to educate, especially young people, to take control of our devices,” he emphasizes.

By Editor

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