The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.

New Zealand Kakapo, an incapacitated parrot, or in peace for millions of years and lost his defense capacity.

When predators arrived on the island, Kakapo had no means to protect themselves.

Today, there are only about 250 individuals left endangered.



Nature is cruel. If you do not do, you will be rolled.

This has been the case ever since the globe consisted of star dust and the elements gathered into competing compounds. In the beginning of the sea, Ameeba encountered a smaller bacterium, swallowed it, and belied with satisfaction.

Ameeba spreads to its surroundings with a protrusion called the Valejala. Even today, highly educated people are serious about whether the foot is a lie, or even real.

In New Zealand Live a bird called Kakapo. In Finnish owl parrot. It can’t fly or can even reproduce properly.

Kakapo is a fat bird, the world’s only flying parrot. Its ancestors were winged, until they arrived for the paradise islands millions years ago and lazy. They no longer had to defend themselves.

New Zealand was as comfortable for Kakapo as a Western European post-Cold War. Got to pop exotic fruits and get sluggishly. What would me threaten me here.

If Donald Trump He would see Kakapo, he might be crocheting that he was a stupid bird, I would do better, there is a reason for lying demarians that there are such bad animals in the world.

Common implemented a kind of value -based realism in his life. I thought that if I just live in peace and adapt to these conditions, I can do it.

Then the predators arrived. First came the Maori people with their boats and then Europeans on their sailing ships.

Rats and cats ate the eggs of the poop and the people grilled the birds to delight in the evening. Kakapo had no ability to defend themselves against the attackers.

Today, there are perhaps 250 individuals left of these cute Kakapos, or owl parrots.

What could we learn from this?

By Editor