The most powerful sea in the world is weakening due to melting ice

The Antarctic cycle slowly slowed down due to soft drinks from the tape over the ocean, which can disturb the world climate systems.


The huge flat iceberg with many natural ice dome floating in Southern Ocean. Image: stock

According to the new research, published in the magazine Environmental Research Lettersperformed by Melbourne University and Norce Norwegian Research Center, melting around the Antarctica, which is affecting the Antarctic Circle (ACC), the most powerful line in the world, Interesting Engineering On 3/3 reported.

If the carbon emissions are uncontrolled, the ACC can reduce up to 20% by 2050. The amount of fresh water increases due to the melting bandage that changes the salinity and circulation in the ocean, affecting the balance that allows the circulating seaflow.

“The ocean is extremely complex and subtly balanced. If this ‘engine’ is malfunctioning, the serious consequences may occur, including more wavering climate, certain areas become more harsh and the global warming phenomenon accelerates because the ocean reduces carbon storage,” Bishakhdatta Gayen, a member of the research group.

ACC is an important factor in the movement of the Ocean in the world, acting as the key component of the “ocean conveyor belt”, responsible for maintaining the movement of water between the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean. This sediment also supports climate air conditioning, including heat distribution, CO2 and nutrients to the sunken tanks.

The acc is 4 times stronger than Gulf Stream. Therefore, the acc significantly dominates the migration process of many species in the ocean. With the current weakness, there is a risk of some organisms such as kelp, shrimp and soft body, which will invade the Antarctica waters and greatly endanger the food chain and the fragile ecosystem. The risk of changing food sources can affect the number of penguins, thereby affecting the biodiversity of the whole area.

The team analyzed these small details through Australia’s fastest supercomputer, Gadi, then simulates seals and climate changes. The model combines a change in monsoon, the amount of saline water absorbed and other atmospheric wind conditions to determine how the tape is impacted on the circulation of the ocean. As a result, they found a large amount of fresh water from the melting bandage, reducing the ocean salinity, weakening the process of promoting cold water, sinking and circulating – the main mechanism that creates the power of acc.

The group of scientists believes that it is necessary to perform more jobs, for example, a climate model and an animation simulation, to consider all the effects of slowing the acc and climate change. “The previous ocean models could not satisfy small -scale processes that control the intensity of the sea.

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