The Ministry of Science and Technology proposes to reduce quality inspection procedures for goods with average – low risk levels, shifted to post -inspection to facilitate businesses.
The Ministry of Science and Technology is drafting the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Product and Goods Quality. Principles of quality management of products and goods are expected to adjust in the direction based on the risk level of products and goods such as agricultural products, food, veterinary medicine, plant protection drugs, machinery, equipment …
High risk levels will specify management measures before customs clearance (money) and average and low risk level will specify post -customs clearance management measures, before circulating in the market or allow self -publication of conformity (post -inspection).
The possibility of unsafe can occur for products and goods based on one of the following factors: chemical, physical and biological; structure, operating principle; The process of transportation, storage, storage and use. The Ministry of Science and Technology proposes products and goods that are likely to cause unsafe (group 2 goods) of the ministries and sectors and fields and submit them to the Prime Minister for promulgation of the list to avoid overlapping in specialized management.
Import and export of goods at Tan Vu – Hai Phong port. Image: Giang Huy
The drafting agency also said that the policy of exemption and reduction of goods quality inspection according to the Government’s regulations has been uniformly implemented by ministries and branches, leading to difficulties, expensive and losing business opportunities of enterprises.
Currently, according to the provisions of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations, the announcement of conformity is based on the results of self -assessment of conformity or certification results of the appointed certified organization. Therefore, in order to agree, the Ministry of Science and Technology proposes to amend and supplement this content in the direction of goods with low risk levels (applying management measures based on the results of self -assessment of conformity) do not have to carry out the quality control of goods when imported.
These items only carry out customs clearance procedures in accordance with the laws of the customs and publish the conformity according to the corresponding national technical standards before being circulated in the market. This reform will create favorable conditions for importers, minimize the time and cost of storage and storage when carrying out the current import inspection procedures.
High -risk goods still apply management measures based on the results of the assessment and certification of the assessment organization, the certified organization that is appointed or recognized in accordance with the law. This content remains the same as the current regulations in the Law on Product and Goods Quality.
Commenting on this content, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the actual implementation shows that some products are included in the group list 2 managed by QCVN and perform the state inspection of quality.
Due to the time of management needs after time, some products are reviewed and put out the list of Group 2 and become products and commodities in group 1.
In addition, a number of commodity products due to management needs, on the basis of assessing the level of risk still need to develop national technical regulations, but not so strictly needed through quality inspection agencies of quality. For example, textile products, paper towels and toilet paper; Some chemical products; Some operating processes in the field of electricity, operating process in the field of industrial machines. The Ministry of Industry and Trade suggested that the bill should clarify these regulations.
The Asian Food Industry Association (FIA) proposes to apply a risk -based three -level frame for food product registration, reference from the instructions of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
It is food High risk level such as containing pathogenic microorganisms forming toxins; Meat, fish, oysters, live poultry and milk; Tofu, meat cake, salami sausage and products must be fully evaluated by the food management agency for quality/safety before being marketed.
Food Average level of risk It can contain pathogenic microorganisms but often do not develop thanks to the characteristics of food; Can support toxins or the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. For example, some fruits, vegetables, juice, box meat, pasteurized milk, dairy products, cream, peanut butter, rice, spaghetti and confectionery made from milk.
Food Low risk level The type is not capable of containing pathogenic microorganisms and often does not develop pathogenic microorganisms. For example, cereals, whole grains, bread, carbonated drinks, sugar, alcohol, fat and oil.
FIA suggested that the food management agency may consider deploying the notice/list process to ensure the possibility of traceability of food products on the market.
Responding to this content, the Ministry of Science and Technology said that the bill has set it based on the level of risk of goods in general to take appropriate management measures. Goods with low risk levels will apply management measures based on the results of self -assessment of the conformity of the importer and the high risk level will apply the management measures based on the indicators’ inspection and certification results.
The Law on the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Quality Products and Goods will be submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the May meeting and approved by the end of this year.
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