HAKOM: Revenues in the electronic communications market in 2024. Rose to 1.8 billion euros

Electronic & Ccaron in 2024 tr & zcaron in 2024 continued revenue, by 8.5 percent compared to 2023, to EUR 1.87 billion, as well as an increase in telecommunication infrastructure investment of 11.7 percent, to 412 million euros, regulatory agencies reported on Wednesday.

The main factors of TR & Zcaron growth in 2024 were in the operator data, the modernization of the network, and mobile and fixed, and the increasing search for digital services.

Revenues on this tr & zcaron rose in 2024 and in mobile/moving and fixed/immovable networks, with HAKOM KA & ZCARON; Namely, these revenues increased 9 percent annually, to 1.2 billion euros, while revenues from services through fixed network increased 7.6 percent to 643 million euros.

A large growth of an operator’s investment

Me & Dstrok; in the investments of operator (Telekom), the mobile/mobile network and Zcaron was 116.2 million euros or 26 percent more than in 2023, and the similar amount or 116.3 million euros and Zcaron was in the network of a very large capacity-VHCN capacity.

Apart from the total, annual level, from HAKOM KA & ZCARON; in that there is a noticeable trend of continuing modernization of electronic & ccaron communication infrastructure and & ccaron in the fourth quarter of 2024, so last year ended with almost 91 thousand & more number of connections; Network, with the simultaneous reduction of the connection between the copper infrastructure for just over 59 thousand & cacute.

In the end of 2024, there were 351.6 thousands in Croatia; a fantasy connections, while in total in all VHCN Network, there were more than 515.5 thousand & Cacute; The connection of a broadband approach, as well as the share of the connection between speeds above 100 mbit/s was 47 percent.

The growth of total TR & Zcaron revenues have also contributed to the growth of toll television and OTT services in the operator, in & cacaron, allocates the growth of revenues from their own OTT services, from 171.9 percent.

According to IPTV technology, the highest number of the highest, the largest share, of nearly 50 percent, while the share of its own OTT service increased to almost 15 percent, & Ccaron; the name exceeded the cable TV, & Ccaron, which is 13.4 percent, and the share of satellite and terrestrial toll television.

Data traffic and mobile user growth

All of this resulted in great data traffic growth from the internet access service in the fixed network, above 26 percent compared to 2023, and the overall data traffic from that service reached at the end of & Ccaron.

In the fixed network, or publicly available telephone services in these networks at the end of 2024. There were just over 1,1 million users or 1.2 percent less than at the end of 2023, which are the tr & zcaron. Croatia out of 26.4 percent and Telemach Croatia above 11 percent.

On the other hand, the user publicly available telephone services in the mobile network at the end of 2024. It was 4.7 million or 3.4 percent than at the end of 2023, in & Ccaron, HT has the largest; and tr & zcaron; Increasing an annual level, by about 1.1 percent, according to HAKOM data.

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