The theory we live in a black hole is strengthened

A new study of 263 Galaxies contributed new evidence that supports the theory that our universe is the interior of a black hole.

By using NASA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), researchers at Kansas State University, in the United States, discovered that most galaxies revolve in the same direction.

The movement contradicts the previous assumptions that our universe is isotropic; That is, there should be the same number of galaxies revolving in the direction of the clock needles and in the opposite direction.

Lior Shamir, associate professor of computer science at Kansas State University, says that the causes of the phenomenon are unknown, but there are two possible explanations.

One is that the universe was born turning, which agrees with theories such as the cosmology of black holes, which postulates that the entire universe is the interior of a black hole.

The cosmology of black holes suggests that the Milky Way and all other observable galaxies of our universe are contained inside a black hole that was formed in another much larger universe.

The theory questions many fundamental models of the cosmos, including the idea that the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe. It also offers the possibility that the black holes of our own universe are the borders of other universes and opens a potential scenario for a multiverse.

The latest discoveries do not constitute a definitive proof of the cosmology of black holes, so more evidence is needed to understand their implications.

Shamir pointed out that an alternative explanation of why most study galaxies revolve in the direction of the clock needles is that the rotation speed of the Milky Way influences the measurements.

If so, we will have to emphasize our distance measurements in the deep universesays Shamir.

The recalibration of distance measurements can also explain several other unsolved issues in cosmology, such as differences in the expansion rates of the universe and the large galaxies that, according to existing distance measurements, it is estimated that they are older than the universe itself.

The investigation was published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societyin a study entitled The distribution of galaxy rotation in JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (which in Spanish would be the distribution of the rotation of the galaxies in the Advanced deep extragalactic study of the JWST).

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