Astronomers foresee “devastating” impact to study space from Chile by Energy Plant

THe Southern European Observatory (That) warned on Monday that an energy plant that is evaluated to build in the Atacama desert, in northern Chile, can have a “devastating” impact for telescopes in the area due to an eventual increase in light pollution.

“We conclude that the impact will be devastating, irreversible and not mitigable if the project stays where they intend to” build it, said the astronomer and representative of ESO in Chile, Itziar de Gregorio, at a press conference in Santiago.

With an investment of 10,000 million dollars, the INNA initiative of the Chilean company AES Andes awaits the approval of the authorities to initiate its construction.

The evaluation process began in December, according to the private company, and there is no defined time for its conclusion.

The megaplant will produce green hydrogen and ammonia, and generate solar and wind energy.

The company and that differ on the distance at which inna would operate from the observatories in the paranal hills and frames.

While the company ensures that the area where luminosity will be emanated is between 20 and 30 km of those observatories, that argues that Inna will be 11 km from paranal and 20 km of frames.

The European Observatory, which considers Chile as the best place for the observation of the universe, He believes that ina would interfere with the operation of Paranal, endowed with the most advanced terrestrial telescope in the world.

It would also complicate the work of frames, where the largest infrared optical telescope on the planet that will be operational in 2030 is built.

That warned in January about the threat of the INNA project, but now a “detailed analysis” confirmed that the impact would be irreversible When a “bright bright pollution” is caused.

Excess of light affects the natural night darkness, causing a brightness that will limit visibility.

The AES company has said that its project incorporates “the highest standards in light matters”.

At the moment, Paranal and frames have a light pollution of just 0.2%, which places them in the first and second place in the world in terms of the quality of astronomical sky.

Inna would increase at least light pollution to 1.49% in Paranal and 2.45% in frames, according to that.

That increase “represents an interference level incompatible with the conditions required for first -level astronomical observations”Said that in a statement.

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