There is a transport system that remains a promise, and in which more countries have been added. It is about Hyperloopa form of rapid transport in which the India It is willing to move forward.
In summary, it is a form of transport that includes vacuum pipe systems so that levitation capsules through magnetic fields circulate at very fast speeds.
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Unlike other countries that have dabbled in this technology, India seeks to have the longest tunnel in the world to reach 1,000 km/h.
The project is worked in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology of Madrás. According to El Español report, the first facilities are already in the testing phase and intend to transport loads and passengers.
India Hyperloop is now found on the Thaiyur Campus of the Iit Madras. “Hyperloop is basically like a tube. There will be a vacuum inside the tube and capsule,” said Ashwini Vaishnaw, Indian Railroad Minister.
The project is also developed with Tut Hyperloop, a technology startup. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) also work in this transport, in addition to the NeOKEs Technologies GmbH (NEO).
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