The largest green hydrogen project in Europe

The new electrolyte is put into operation in Ludwigafen using electricity from renewable sources to produce 8,000 tons of hydrogen per year.


PEM 54 MW electrolyte is used to produce green hydrogen in Ludwigshafen. Image: BASF

The German German Chemical Group announces the implementation of the largest green hydrogen project in Europe to reduce carbon emissions, Interesting Engineering On March 18 reported. The project uses an electric meteoremary (PEM) 54 MW, manufactured by Duc Siemens Energy, to produce green hydrogen at BASF’s facility in Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate.

The machine has more than twice the capacity of the 24 MW PEM in Norway in the largest active blue hydrogen project in Europe. Its capacity is also slightly larger than the 52.5 MW – the total capacity of the Kasso project in Denmark, expected to start fully operating in the second quarter of this year.

Designed to produce carbon non -carbon hydrogen, PEM 54 MW electric machine is capable of providing the main plant to a ton of this important chemical material every hour. The machine has a total of 72 compartments – the modules in which the electrolysis process actually takes place – and promises to help BASF’s main factory reduce up to 72,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.

PEM 54 MW electric machine uses electricity from renewable sources to produce non -emission hydrogen with an output of up to 8,000 tons per year. Hydro was then put into the Verbund hydrogen network and distributed to production facilities in the form of raw materials. Currently, hydrogen is used to produce chemical products such as ammonia, methanol and vitamins. In addition, BASF will also provide hydrogen for moving operations in Rhine-Neckar urban areas, supporting hydrogen economic development in the region.

“BASF has stepped on an ambitious path towards a net emission goal of zero,” Katrin Eder, head of the climate, environment, energy and transportation agency of Rhineland-Palatinate, said.

“In addition to gradually increasing electricity and heat processing from renewable energy, the company also intends to use regenerated raw materials instead of current fossil energy sources such as natural gas. Designed to produce green hydrogen as raw materials, new electrolytes at Ludwigafen mark an important milestone and support the implementation of climate protection targets of Rhineland-Palatinate.”

By Editor

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