Who is being included in the medical examination and treatment system in China, helping to reduce the workload for health workers and support more accurate and effective diagnosis.
Pathologists use AI tools to diagnose diseases at the head -linked hospital of Zhejiang Medical University. Image: CMG
In Shenzhen, Mr. Li Hualiang 57 years old has heart disease and high blood pressure, wants to implant but concerns about cardiovascular health. He went to La Ho People’s Hospital, a facility equipped with an artificial intelligence guidance system (AI) designed to divide complex cases. After Mr. Li described the symptoms, the service registration system and helped him make a cardiovascular examination. When Mr. Li went to the consulting room, the cardiologist’s computer displayed his condition in detail. After a while asking, the AI system only takes 8 seconds to give diagnostic advice. In order to help Mr. Li decided to implant, the doctor continued to use AI tools to assess the risks and measures to prevent this process.
As a pioneer in AI -based health care initiatives, Shenzhen has integrated 16 categories with 63 situations and deployed nearly 450 AI products at medical facilities at all levels. Pei Xiaoyang, Director of the Cardiology Department at La Ho People’s Hospital, emphasized AI’s role in managing patients with many conditions. “Patients sometimes have many accompanying diseases and experts may lack professional qualifications in overlapping sub -sectors. Who helps to fill this gap through our advice on drug and non -professional treatment. It is very useful in bringing accurate care,” PEI said.
In the diagnosis of the disease, pathological experts often spend a lot of time and effort to review the cell damage from cells usually under a microscope, the process is full of wrong diagnosis due to fatigue. In order to solve the problem, the head -linking hospital of Zhejiang Medical School developed and applied a model of AI pathological learning. Currently, positive film scanners converted glass slabs into digital images, can be uploaded to the cloud to analyze with the help of whose.
The model on filtering exactly the common sample while marking the suspected area of damage, significantly improving the effectiveness and accuracy of the diagnosis. This achievement also reduces the workload for young diseases, allowing them to focus on professionally and improve their qualifications.
In the active treatment room (ICU), where medical equipment produces huge amounts of data, the doctor had previously prepared and translated the patient’s discrete information to make an important decision. Currently, the ICU model is controlled by the Hospital that classify patients according to the modules that have been established and created digital simulation with real -time data from mutual connected devices. For example, in the case of a heart transplant, using oxidation through the body of the body (ECMO), Dr. ICU shows how the AI system adopts clinical reasoning, analyzing trends in important signs, experimental results and measurement data to support the optimal time decision to remove ECMO.
“Who acts as an effective assistant for the ICU team,” said Cai Hongbo, director of a special care department at the first -linked hospital of Zhejiang Medical School. “It constantly monitors the patient to detect minor changes and the risk of appearing, then analyze and arrange data according to the clinical regulations that we have programmed.”
After 6 months of deployment at the hospital, AI -based ICU model has set up high quality ICU database, achieved the ability to support experts, reduce workload for doctors, rationalize work time consuming such as collecting information and decision making. Who proved excellent in medical photography, genome to study, classify patients, manage chronic diseases, research and develop drugs. It enhances the patient’s experience, supports the collective of doctors, promotes effective use of resources, helps high quality medical care become accessible to many people.
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