Dr. Hoang Anh Duc proposed a cooperation model “Non -moving connection” so that Vietnam can exploit Vietnamese intellectuals everywhere instead of just focusing on a one -way migration.
According to Dr. Hoang Anh Duc, researcher of RMIT University Vietnam, General Director of Sky-Line Education System, Vietnam is having many changes in the orientation of building policy mechanisms to promote science and technology development. “These are definitely positive steps. This openness is gradually creating new space and opportunities for scientists, especially young scientists,” Dr. Duc said.
One of them is the Ministry of Science and Technology, which is building many outstanding preferential mechanisms for science and technology human resources in the Draft Law on Science, Technology and Innovation. Accordingly, the Draft Law proposes policies to arrange public houses and vehicles for leading scientists and total monks during the time of performing the task.
With new policies on income and housing, the Ministry of Science and Technology expects to attract overseas Vietnamese and foreigners with high qualifications to Vietnam to work and live. Competitive income mechanism and professional working environment will help attract, respect and retain leading scientists, experts, engineers, and general works at home and abroad.
These are considered decisive steps for the State to recruit talents to organize, manage and deploy key national tasks on science and technology, especially in the field of artificial intelligence and training of high quality human resources. This human resource system will also be the foundation for building, connecting and developing the network of domestic and international experts and scientists.
Dr. Duc acknowledged that the issue of attracting Vietnamese talents from all over the world is a multi -dimensional problem, not merely a material remuneration policy.
From the personal perspective, Dr. Duc proposed Firstly need Building a professional research and working ecosystem, where talented people can maximize their capacity. “This includes both modern facilities and equipment, but more importantly, the open academic environment, and respect for creative freedom,” Dr. Duc said.
In the proposal Monday He said that today’s era of the world has become flat, no longer important to go and where to go. Therefore, “Instead of just focusing on the one -way attraction, we should develop flexible cooperation models, build” Connect Without Relocation “. This model allows experts to contribute in many different forms, from remote consulting, participating in short -term projects, to parallel research positions.
Tuesdayit is necessary to develop comprehensive support mechanisms for talented people and their families, from administrative issues such as residence, tax, insurance, to educational needs for children, social networks, and career development opportunities for spouses.
Dr. Duc also proposed to create dialogue channels, regular and essentially working groups with highly qualified Vietnamese community around the world. “Listening to the needs and desires from them to adjust barriers and policies is only a small part. More importantly, creating a discussion and regular cooperation in research and development activities,” he said.
Dr. Hoang Anh Duc. Image: NVCC
According to Dr. Duc, the connection and promotion of talents is not only the responsibility of the State but also the participation of the whole society, especially corporations, universities and private research organizations. “I believe that the initial success will create a spreading effect, attracting more and more talents to contribute to the development of the country,” he said.
Recognizing the guidelines and policies to promote science, technology and innovation development recently, Dr. Duc said as “open”. However, in order to really arouse creativity, “it is necessary to see this is a long -term journey, not only stopping at the promulgation of policies”. These changes need to be concretized into transparent, effective and consistent enforcement mechanisms. More importantly, he said that it is necessary to build a comprehensive ecosystem, where the support policy goes hand in hand with the autonomy in the development of scientific activities, modern facilities and international connectivity networks.
From the perspective of a person who participated in many educational research and reform projects, he said that three key factors need to be more focused.
Firstly: Investing in the development of human resources for research early, starting with general education;
Second: Strengthen links between research institutes, universities and enterprises to bring research results into practical applications;
Third: Develop mechanisms to evaluate and record scientific achievements based on real quality and impact, not only the number of published.
“I believe that, with the companion of state management agencies, scientific and social community, new policies will really arouse infinite creative potential of Vietnamese scientists,” said Dr. Duc.
Dr. Hoang Anh Duc, 35, is the author and co -author of 25 scientific publications on educational leadership, development of teaching and professional development programs, published in magazines made indexing ISI/Scopus. In Covid-19 epidemic, he proved his foresight and special leadership by supporting digital transformation in education before it became a common need, strategic and implemented measures to minimize the impact of pandemic on education.
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