The science questions of children|Children’s science issues also tell about the three eyelids of the cats. And why do things look bigger in the water and how does Kuhmu land?
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This week, the science issues of children are considering what would happen if you do not move to Finland during the summer.
In addition, it is revealed that cats have three eyelids. The third, or Vilkkuluomi, moves so fast that it is mostly not noticed at all.
In addition, it is explained why things look bigger in the water and how the bump falls over time.
What would happen if you didn’t turn watches in Finland during the summer but stay in winter or normal time? Would the EU give some punishment for naughty Finland for disobedience?
Leo Kuusisto, 12
If Finland would decide alone that we would no longer move watches during the summer, the EU Commission would first take Finland for a kind of interview. At the same time, it would find out why we do not follow the EU Summer Time Directive to move watches.
After that, the Commission would dismiss Finland by making an official note. If it did not, the Commission would bring an action against Finland in the EU court and demand a penalty payment. In the end, the court could impose a penalty payment and also the compensation to be paid in order to obey Finland.
If Finland did not turn watches during the summer, the evenings would be darker than in late March until late October. It would prevent, at least in Finland, the disruption of sleep patterns and sleep in Finland. Likewise, at work starting early in the morning, it could be sighing for relief that early mornings would not get even further.
If Finland were left alone during the winter, the time difference to other EU Member States could cause quite a bit of annoyance. Everything should be re -scheduled, for example, in all companies whose business has connections elsewhere in the EU.
The EU Commission itself has proposed that the transfer of watches be abandoned. Finland has supported the proposal, but not all Member States have yet decided what they would think.
If all Member States finally decided to be abandoned together, in Finland, Parliament would finally decide whether we would stay here during the summer or winter and enact the law.
Sara Vänttinen
Ministry of Transport and Communications
The cat’s third eyelid, or flashing eyelid, moves so quickly that its movement is often not noticeable at all.
Why do cats blink their eyes so rarely?
Väinö Laitinen, 8 and Matias Laitinen, 7
Cats are carefully based on their visual senses. They have needed good vision over the years as both prey and themselves as prey animals. The cat has evolved as an animal species so that it does not have to blink as often as a person, for example, because a lot of vital information for the cat can be overlooked in the blink of an eye.
The cats, like people, have a top and lower eyelid, but unlike us, they also have a third eyelid: the blink of a blink. The blink of the blink is thin and membrane. As you move, it moves sideways from the corner of the eye towards the outside of the eye.
Thanks to the blinks, the cat does not have to completely close its eyes to moisturize and clean their surface, as we have to do. The blink of the flash moves so fast that it is most often not noticeable at all. Often, when the cat blinks, it may seem as if it just scratch them.
Closing the eyes, and especially slowly fluttering, is usually a demonstration of trust for the cat. The cat can also be shown to be safe and reliable by slowly blinking.
Veera Riihonen
biology doctoral dissertation
Turku University
Tiitus Siironen, Rauma Swimming Club, was able to test Rauma’s new indoor swimming pool early in the year.
Why do other swimmers seem to be closer and their own hand than looking at the surface?
Sara Järvinen, 12
All The size of the objects we see depends on the angle of the light rays they come from. The larger the angle, the greater the object looks.
When the rays of light come through a diving glass or mask, the light folds from the glass. In this case, the light arrives in the eye at a steeper angle, which makes the object look larger. If the item is at least several tens of centimeters from the mask or diving glasses, it looks about 30 percent, or about one third larger.
If you do not use any kind of glasses when diving, it is very difficult to see properly in the water. This is because most of the eye layout is done in the corneal of the outer surface, which is optically, that is, near the water in terms of light.
Because of this, the light does not fold much at the border of the eye and water, so that the eye cannot focus on the objects.
Tom Kuusela
university researcher
Turku University
Kuhmu can grow to several centimeters.
How does Kuhmu land?
Inari Tammi, 5
Bump Usually refers to a stalemate that appeared in the head, for example, when, for example, when you fall, you have hit the head or the rocking board has rushed to the head. The bumps can grow quite large, several centimeters in size.
Kuhmu is often born quickly after the stroke. It develops when the blood vessel in the subcutaneous tissue on the skull bone breaks down due to the impact. Blood discharged from the blood vessel stretches the subcutaneous tissue into a bump. When the blood bleeding ends, the blood in the bump is gradually freezing.
In the end, the so -called cleaner cells in the body begin to wake up and gradually break down the blood clot inside Kuhmu. The body’s enzymes, which break down the blood, are helped.
When the blood clot removes, the bump descends. Sometimes, even after weeks, the entire Kuhmu can be noticed that it has landed on the surrounding skin. A small bump can fall already in a few days.
Jaakko Halonen
specialist in general medicine
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