Biodiversa, 'snap and protect', formula for monitoring biodiversity and contributing to its protection through a game app

Naturetech 3Bee launches Biodiversa, the free game app for monitoring biodiversity and protecting ecosystems that allows you to “collect” and easily identify the plants and flowers you encounter during a walk in the open air. An ambitious citizen science project that aims to create a cooperative archive dedicated to flora (and in a second phase to fauna) in Europe, involving user players with challenges of cataloging species, some of which are rare or in the process of disappearing. extinction. By exploiting the most advanced technologies of photographic recognition and machine learning, Biodiversa allows us to enrich knowledge of European biodiversity and actively contribute to its conservation through a dynamic game, which is the true driving force of the scientific objective.

Biodiversa is the app that aims to collectivise the protection of biodiversity, encouraging the active participation of players in the collection of data crucial for the conservation of ecosystems. Through a real collective mapping, Biodiversa aims to facilitate the identification and visualization of vulnerable areas and plant species, becoming an essential tool in the strategy of conservation and mitigation of risks linked to climate change. The 3Bee team has in fact developed the Biodiversa app with the aim of integrating and strengthening the Element-E protocol for monitoring terrestrial biodiversity, which allows organizations and companies to objectively verify and quantify their impact on biodiversity, in line with the current European regulatory framework.

“The Biodiversa project is the result of the path carried out by 3Bee in the field of technology applied to nature, from 2017 to today: by developing the innovative Element-E biodiversity monitoring protocol, we understood the importance of a collaborative approach, which integrates businesses and citizens in the data collection process. To build this database it is necessary that the information collected is detailed by species and highly scalable. – says Niccolò Calandri, CEO of 3Bee – This is where the idea of ​​Biodiversa was born, a free game app that transforms biodiversity monitoring into an interactive and engaging experience and represents the fusion of our three pillars: monitoring, regeneration, dissemination ”.

Available for iOS and Android, Biodiversa has a dynamic similar to that of some well-known free-to-play video games that encourage you to move and travel in the real world to “collect” characters. In fact, the app created by 3Bee offers a playful experience in which the plants, flowers and pollinators – available in the next version of the app – are all to be “collected” and identified. With Biodiversa, each shot from the smartphone allows you to collect a plant and gives experience points, allowing users to level up and climb the rankings. From “Sprout Scout” to “Biodiversity Superhero”, each level passed allows you to conquer kingdoms and habitats, advancing in your contribution to safeguarding biodiversity.

Using Biodiversa, each player actively contributes to enriching a vast scientific database, supporting 3Bee’s research and algorithms in the fight against biodiversity loss. The app represents a bridge between technology and conservation, involving citizens, organizations and businesses in a European citizen science project that has a real impact on the environment.

The app, entirely designed and developed by the naturetech 3Bee team, transforms daily activities into educational and conservation opportunities, adapting to the most varied types of interests and passions. School trips are transformed into open-air classrooms, where teachers and students become real explorers of biodiversity, using the app to identify and catalog local flora and promoting a hands-on approach to science.

In the corporate context, Biodiversa is configured as an innovative tool for organizing sustainable, interactive and training team building activities. Through cataloging challenges and outdoor adventures, Biodiversa allows you to strengthen the bond between company collaborators, but also to promote values ​​linked to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Not only that: for families, a simple outing to the park becomes an opportunity for discovery and learning through direct observation of nature. Travelers and adventurers also use Biodiversa as a tool to enrich their explorations, transforming each destination into an opportunity to study and conserve biodiversity. Finally, tourist guides and natural parks find in the app a new tool for describing biodiversity, quickly listing the hundreds of species present with the help of visitors, tourists and citizens.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, 3Bee calls citizens and companies to a “duty” of monitoring biodiversity, encouraging them to take an active role through a citizen science tool that combines advanced technology and collective participation. This project fits into 3Bee’s mission, which aims to build and strengthen a solid scientific data base for the future of environmental conservation.

By Editor

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