Humane is looking for a buyer after the failure of the AI ​​Pin, the gadget that promised to retire mobile phones |  TECHNOLOGY

Humane, the startup developer of the wearable with artificial intelligence (IA) AI Pin, looking for a buyer for 750 million euros, after the recent launch of the device and the criticism it has received about its autonomy and slow responses.

The company founded by former Apple employees, presented the AI ​​Pin device in November of last year as a wearable that attaches to clothing using a magnetic system, on the front of the body, and uses AI to enhance user interaction.

Thus, composed of two separable parts: the body of the computer with a customized Snapdragon processor and the external battery, it is a device that helps the user to carry out the management of day-to-day tasks through AI functions, and to offer answers to voice queries or analyze the elements that your camera identifies.

Furthermore, for its use, the AI ​​Pin does not have a screen, but its interaction is carried out through voice, touch, gestures or through a laser projection with 720p resolution, which is projected on the palm of the hand. of the user.

The AI ​​Pin finally went on sale in April of this year. However, a few weeks after its launch, the startup has begun to look for a buyer, as sources familiar with this matter have assured Bloomberg. The startup is seeking to sell it for a price between $750 and $1 billion.

According to this same medium, after its launch, the AI ​​Pin has received some criticism from the sector, due to its slow responses, the reliability of its information and the autonomy of its battery.

At the end of April, Humane shared some details of its first update for the AI ​​Pin and its Cosmos operating system. It then ensured improvements in battery life and thermal management, in addition to reducing response latency and offering greater adjustment precision for a smoother experience.

Despite all this, Humane has begun to look for buyers and, although it is in an early phase of the process, it already has a financial advisor to manage the sale. The startup, for its part, has not confirmed its sales intentions.

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