Is Michael J. Fox Spiderman?  AI recreates a universe where the MCU began decades before |  PHOTOS |  marvel |  Michael J. Fox |  Clint Eastwood |  |  TECHNOLOGY

Despite its declining popularity, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU for its acronym in English) has dominated the billboards for the last two decades, forever changing the film landscape since the release of Iron Man in 2008. Despite this, the company had attempts to popularize its characters both in series and feature films in the 70s and 80s, with productions such as “The Incredible Hulk” (1977), “Spider-Man” (1977), “Dr. Strange” (1978) and “Captain America” (1979) that attempted to become franchises, although with extremely limited success.

And while it is not healthy to remain hypothetical, one can speculate what would have happened if these attempts had had the success they received in the new millennium. What would those movies have been like? Who would have acted?

Instagram user @robertobagg10collection shared a glimpse into this alternate universe with a collection of artificial intelligence-generated images showing the possible cast of this version of the MCU.

There are some images that are really inspired, such as putting the then youth idol Michael J. Fox in the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man or choosing the martial arts star Bruce Lee as Shang-Chi, a character that inspired his creation in 1973.

Others are less understandable, such as casting Linda Hamilton, Sarah Connor from “The Terminator,” as Elektra and Martin Sheen as the ‘man without fear’ Daredevil. Although in defense of this pair, their chemistry would certainly be better than what Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner showed in this hero’s movie in 2003.

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