The Council of Europe adopted the Artificial Intelligence Law: all the details
After being adopted by the European Parliament in March and after a series of discussions, the Council of Europe adopted the European Artificial Intelligence Law, the groundbreaking EU AI AC, which is the first significant piece of legislation in the world that deals extensively with artificial intelligence.Groundbreaking: a humanoid robot that incorporates artificial intelligence technologies

The law takes a risk-based approach, according to which the higher the risk – the greater the chance of damage to the public, and accordingly limitations and standards must be adopted, with the aim of reducing the risk and in order to protect human rights.

The law is expected to be signed by the presidents of the European Parliament and the European Council, and then published in the records in the coming days. After that, it will enter into force within 20 days from the date of its publication as mentioned, and then its instructions will be applied in a phased manner.

According to Atty Lior Etgarpartner and head of privacy and information protection at the EBN Ardinst office, Ben Natan, Toledano: “In Israel we will feel the significance of this law in the near future, even before all its provisions come into force, as the law will not only shape the way in which AI algorithms will be developed but will direct the market in a way where the applications will be developed”.

“The industry will have to prepare differently and develop tools that will allow transparency and supervision of the work processes, as well as the design of the products and services,” Etgar said. “I believe that a small industry will also develop next to the AI ​​industry, which will deal with the development of these tools for documenting and managing AI databases, while influencing aspects of intellectual property and privacy protection, as well as ethics.”

By Editor

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