The international conference for unmanned aerial vehicles will open on June 30 in Jerusalem
World’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conference, the first UAV conference of its kind in Israel, will be held at the Nation Buildings in Jerusalem on June 30 to July 2, 2024. The event will review the latest innovations in the world of UAVs and drones in the civilian market, the integration of AI in the world of UAVs and, in addition, there will be A special security trek, where lectures will be held on the place of the UAVs in the Iron Swords War.The conference will combine the best experts and practitioners in the field, among them: General (res.) Yitzhak Ben Israel from Tel Aviv University; Daniela Pertam from the Innovation Authority; Yariv Bash, CEO of FLYTREX; Teong Soo Soon from ST Engineering Aerospace Singapore; Sebastian Seitz from the Institute of Flight System Dynamics; Benny Davidor from the Civil Aviation Authority; Lior Segal, CEO of Ha’in the third; Yoav Amitai, CEO of Elsight; and Eric Freeman from Alpha Unmanned Systems Spain.

The international UAV summit, which is being held for the first time in Israel, will also focus on the future of the field: vision, research, development and challenges in applications. The conference will be dedicated to discussions on policy, business, innovation, research and development of ideas. The “World’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conference” summit will kick off with an opening event in – June 30 at the Nation Buildings, Jerusalem, and the conference itself will be held on July 1-2 (08:30-17:00 each day). The event is intended for organizations, agencies, associations and governments, the business sector, and academics.

“Israel is the pioneer in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles and is actually the first country in the world to invent the unmanned aircraft, with the first uses of it going back to the Yom Kippur War. Over the years, Israel has become a leader in the field, especially in the security sector, with uses that gradually expanded to the civilian world as well.” Says Major General (Res.) Eitan Ben Eliyahu, chairman of the conference and one of its initiators.

“The purpose of the conference is to bring together women and people from research, engineering and industry from the public and private sectors to present their vision, learn about the various uses of unmanned aircraft in various fields, and to discuss their approaches to the diverse challenges arising from the autonomy of the aircraft and their accompanying systems,” says Ofer Gil, CEO To the Paragon company that produces the conference.

“The UAV Summit is an excellent opportunity to meet women and professionals who deal with different aspects of the field, exchange ideas, explore opportunities and discuss the future of applications, technologies and research systems in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles. The conference will include expert lectures, presentation of research and multidisciplinary and international meetings between individuals and organizations from research and development institutes, industries and legislation with the aim of accelerating international cooperation.

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