The trick that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates use to increase their productivity and that we can all apply |  TECHNOLOGY

What do they share in common? Warren Buffet y Bill Gates, two of the most successful billionaires in the world, as well as a great fortune? A clear objective and an action plan to achieve success.

In the HBO documentary ‘Becoming Warren Buffett’, the approach is revealed as the secret behind the success of Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world with a fortune of $135.4 billion. The documentary highlights the importance of having a clear goal and an action plan to achieve success, a philosophy shared by Bill Gates, who also appears in the production.

This productivity trick, understood as having a clear objective and a plan to achieve it, has been fundamental in the success of both entrepreneurs.

Focus is not limited to concentration on a task, but involves a way of working that minimizes distractions and optimizes the use of time. Steve Jobs, another icon of business success, stressed the importance of saying ‘no’ to a thousand things to stay focused on what really matters. In this sense, Intentional inflexibility is crucial to staying on track toward achieving goals.

Jaime Rubiel, productivity expert and writer for Forbes, recommends clearly defining medium-term goals, distributing them evenly between work and personal life. According to Rubiel, having Three big clear goals for the next six months or a year greatly facilitate the process of working towards them effectively. Ideally, there should be two work goals and one personal goal. With clear goals, it is easier to start working on them.

Buffett also highlights the importance of choose a job that you would be happy to do, even if the money was not needed. In a speech to graduates at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he emphasized that working at something you love reduces feelings of obligation and increases personal satisfaction. Passion for work is an essential element to maintaining focus and long-term success.

Furthermore, both Buffett and Gates promote the idea of keep learning continuously. Gates, for example, applies the five-hour rule, dedicating this weekly time to self-education and personal improvement. This focus on continuous learning is vital to maintaining the knowledge and understanding necessary to meet and exceed goals.

Finally, regularly evaluating whether the actions taken are bringing us closer to our goals is crucial. This analysis allows efforts to be adjusted and redirected more effectively, ensuring that time and energy are invested fruitfully in achieving the stated objectives.

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