How to find a song on Google just by humming it

It happens countless times: someone hears a catchy tune, then tries to figure out what it is. the name of that song that, for some reason, he liked at a certain moment.

Until recently it was a quite complicated task. She had to have some music lover, and someone with memory, who, upon hearing her humming, could recognize her and give her name and even her interpreter.

Another way, pay attention to the radio to listen to it again and pay attention to the moment in which the speaker identifies it. An option that is sometimes impossible because some radio stations omit the identification of some topics.

Thanks to the surprising computer tools that have emerged in recent years, now, just by humming that melody the most used search engine in the world, Googlefind the song in a matter of seconds.

How to find a song on Google just by humming it

Google offers two options to find a song from your humming. The first is Voice search, available in the app and in the Assistant. To use this resource you have to follow a few simple steps.

By tapping the microphone icon you can sing, hum or even whistle the song for Google to start the search. Photo: Clarín

Open the app or activate the Google Assistant. Press on the microphone icon or say “OK Google”. Then say the phrases “What song is this?” or “I want to find a song.” Humming, whistling, or singing the melody during about 10 or 15 seconds.

Right away, Google will analyze the melody and provide a list of results with possible matches. In this sense, keep in mind that the clearer and more precise the interpretation, the greater the chances that Google will identify the song correctly.

The other option is Hum to Search, which appears in the application. First you have to open the app and in the search bar touch the musical note icon. Then press the button “Search song” and start humming the melody. As with voice search, a list of potential results will appear.

The great advantage of these functions is that Google will show, in addition to the title of the song and the name of its performer, quite a bit of additional informationlike the lyrics, videos uploaded to Youtube and links to listen to it on streaming platforms, such as Spotify. And it will all do it in a matter of seconds.

In addition to the name of the song, Google will offer other information such as lyrics, videos and links to listen to it. Photo: Clarín.

In both cases, for the identification to be correct you have to hum the melody as clearly and accurately as possible; focus on the main melody and avoid lyrics and background noises; If you remember any letter, tell it to Google before starting to hum; Hum the song at different speeds and remember that if the song is old or obscure, the search engine may not find it.

Although Google It is a very practical and effective option to identify songs, there are other tools with similar functions. For example, Shazamy Midomi. Both also work hum, whistle or sing an unknown and catchy song that someone wants to listen to again.

By Editor

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