Ben treThe Ministry of Science and Technology orients investment in nuclear technology research facilities, serving application and training in the field of atomic energy.

Information given at the conference Application of atomic energy and gathering opinions on directions for building the Plan for development and application of atomic energy in the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050 organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in coordination with Ben Tre Provincial People’s Committee on the afternoon of June 13.

The planning for development and application of atomic energy for the period 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050 is implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology in coordination with relevant ministries and branches. This is considered a tool to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management activities in the field of atomic energy, orienting investment in developing nuclear science and technology research facilities and nuclear technology application facilities. application and training in the field of atomic energy.

The plan also identifies key issues in the development and application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes with direct contributions in the following industries and fields: health, agriculture, natural resources and environment, and technology. Karma.

According to Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Hong Thai, recent research into atomic energy applications can be considered a foundation technology serving many industries and fields to help improve people’s economic and social lives. people and gradually enhance Vietnam’s position.

Deputy Minister Tran Hong Thai spoke at the conference. Image: TTTT

In the medical field, the country currently has 48 nuclear medicine facilities with more than 40 radiography devices, a ratio of about 0.4 devices per million people. There are 46 radiotherapy facilities equipped with nearly 100 devices, a ratio of one device per million people. Many modern techniques have been successfully implemented in the country to effectively diagnose and treat cancer and serious diseases such as neurological, cardiovascular, digestive…

Production of medical radiopharmaceuticals is gradually autonomous, reaching 1000Ci per year on research reactors and 350Ci per year on 5 accelerator systems. Recently, the drug I131 of the Da Lat Nuclear Technical Research Institute was awarded the “Vietnamese Drug Star” award from the Ministry of Health. Vietnam’s ability to apply nuclear medicine technology is assessed at an average level compared to countries in the Asian region, and above average compared to the Southeast Asian region.

However, “the results of atomic energy applications are not commensurate with the potential, prospects and requirements of practice”, Deputy Minister Thai said and said that in the coming period, more drastic involvement from all levels is needed. , industry, organization… so that the field can have a breakthrough. The Ministry of Science and Technology wishes to receive the coordination of ministries, branches and scientists and experts to contribute opinions to develop and complete planning documents and submit them to the Prime Minister for approval.

According to the Plan, research and application of atomic energy will focus on basic science (nuclear physics, furnace physics, safety and hydrothermal, automatic control, materials, chemistry… ) and applications in health (radiation medicine) and agriculture; industry; Environmental resources (groundwater, pollution, radiation dispersion, soil erosion, radioactive waste, ore tailings)…

To serve research, the Center for Nuclear Science Research (CNTS) project expected to be located in Long Khanh City, Dong Nai is being implemented. This center will have a tank-type nuclear reactor with a capacity of 10 MWt, using low-enriched fuel made in Russia. CNTS also focuses on researching the preparation of new pharmaceutical substances in cancer treatment, researching irradiation of silicon – semiconductor materials, small-angle scattering… In addition, in the planning for development and application of atomic energy The next phase will conduct a pre-feasibility study of the project to build a large accelerator complex located in the North, build nuclear safety and technology laboratories…

Mr. Tran Minh Quynh, Deputy Director of Hanoi Irradiation Center, recommends building at least three strong research groups in the North – Central – South regions with synchronous infrastructure, equipment, and a team of trained experts. Fit. Research groups focus on developing the application of radiation and nuclear techniques in plant breeding, agrochemical soil and plant nutrition, biotechnology, plant protection, food irradiation… The representative of the Hanoi Irradiation Center commented that the planning needs to create a mechanism to mobilize social resources, diversify investment capital for infrastructure construction, and procurement of irradiation and nuclear equipment.

Dr. Dang Thanh Luong, expert at the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, suggested that research institutes, radiotherapy centers, nuclear medicine centers and radiology centers need to have a coordination mechanism to build large data sets for implementation. techniques, artificial intelligence (AI) technology in image diagnosis and disease treatment. He proposed that ministries and specialized units build a legal corridor for the application of AI to the health sector and nuclear medicine applications.

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