iPhone 15 Pro Max vs.  Xiaomi 14 Ultra: we compare the cameras of two of the best cell phones on the market |  Apple |  Smartphones |  Cell phones |  Photo |  Video |  Sensor |  Lens |  Light |  Resolution |  TECHNOLOGY

They are not the only high-quality phones on the market, but they are two of those that top the list of devices with the best cameras. Regarding the recent launch of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, from El Comercio we were able to put it to the test and compare it with the most advanced model of the apple firm. Below we will tell you how it went for us.

It should be noted that this comparison is more subjective. We go outside to take photos and record videos, but we do not follow a detailed measurement as could be done in a laboratory with suitable instruments. It is also well known that these two companies have a fairly loyal audience, which probably makes it more difficult to be objective when leaning towards one or the other. In the end, it will be up to each reader to decide which of the two teams performed better according to their taste.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra

Let’s get to the point. On the one hand we have the Xiaomi 14 Ultra with a 50 MP main cameraadjustable aperture from f/1.63 to f/4.0, 23mm focal length, image stabilization (OIS) and a one-inch Sony LYT-900 sensor.

There is also the 75mm telephoto lens, with 50 MP, focal aperture of f/1.8, focal length of 75mm (3.2x), compatible with 10cm macro photo and OIS. Furthermore, a second 120 mm periscopic telephoto lens, with 50 MP, 120mm aperture (5x), compatible with 30cm macro photography and OIS.

Finally, we find a 12mm ultra wide anglewith 50MP, f/1.8 aperture, 12mm equivalent focal length, compatible with 5cm macro photography.

How do all these numbers translate into experience? The Xiaomi 14 ultra undoubtedly has one of the best cameras on the market. It is the number one? That is debatable, but without a doubt it occupies one of the top positions. For example, the media CNET recently rated it as the best so far in 2024. Wired, for its part, also places it in the number one position, although outside the United States, since in that country it does not have support -counting the US, this position is taken by the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro–. The analysis firm Dxomark places it lower, in 14th place, while the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra takes first place.

One of the main reasons for so much praise is the one-inch Sony sensor that integrates the equipment. It is a fairly large sensor – this explains why it has such a large photographic module – which allows more light to enter and, therefore, results in sharper details and brighter images in low light, as well as less grain.

Added to this is the focal aperture and the great dynamic range that the device has. In Pro mode it is possible to change almost all of these settings,almost as if we were working with a reflex camera.

I’ve never particularly been a fan of zoom; however, The 14 Ultra shoots such good scenes at 3.2x and 5X that we’ll probably end up using the telephoto lenses more than the main camera. In general, zoom ruins the image quality, and although there is also some loss in this equipment, it is not that much. Even with a 30x shot the photographs are usable, beyond that figure the images lose their sharpness.

Although the 23mm main camera almost has a wide-angle focal length, sometimes it is necessary to resort to the 12mm ultra-wide angle. In general terms it behaves quite well, although of the four cameras, it is the weakest of all.

Finally, we have the front camera. Take good photos, but not the best on the market. The bad thing is that the light doesn’t work as well. In very bright places the photos are a little burned, the HDR is excessive. In closed spaces with good natural lighting, things go a little better.

And how are the videos? We can record up to 8K. The specific specifications are as follows:

• Video recording with Dolby Vision in up to 4K at 60fps

• HDR video recording in up to 4K at 30fps

• 8K (7680 x 4320) video recording at 30fps

• 4K (3840 x 2160) video recording at 24fps, 30fps, 60fps or 120fps

• HD 1080p (1920 x 1080) video recording at 30fps or 60fps.

• HD 720p (1280 x 720) video recording at 30fps

• Ultra-night video up to 4K at 24fps

iPhone 15 Pro Max

On the other hand there is the iPhone 15 Pro Max with a sensor principal de 48MP, f/1.78, 24 mm, 1/1.28″, 1.22µm, dual pixel PDAF, sensor-shift OIS; 12MP ultra wide anglef/2.2, 13mm, 120˚, 1/2.55″, 1.4µm, dual pixel PDAF, y 12 MP telephoto lensf/2.8, 120mm, 1.12µm, dual pixel PDAF, 3D sensor‑shift OIS y zoom óptico 5x. On the front camera we have a 12MP, f1.9 and Autofocus lens.

What does this all mean? The main thing to say is that, although we have a total of three cameras, Apple boasts that using an iPhone 15 Pro Max is like using seven cameras. Because? Because it is capable of shooting at the following focal lengths.

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Macro, 13mm (ultra gran angular), 24mm (1x), 28mm (1.2x), 35mm (1.5x), 48mm (2x) y 120mm (5x).

It will be difficult to find one photographic versatility like that offered by the iPhone in terms of focal range, and the main point is that all their cameras have optical quality, since digital zoom is not used.

As a whole, the iPhone 15 Pro Max’s photographic system works very well with HDR, even in situations with too much light in which the photos tend to be burned out, the equipment offers ample quality. With its increase from 12 to 24 megapixels Natively the phone manages to make the most of the dynamic range. And in terms of interpreting skins, the iPhone remains practically unbeatable, since it does not modify the tone of the skins, it is extremely precise with different shades. But the best of all is the clarity with which it obtains the images, with processing that does not offer an artificial scene, on the contrary, it makes a very realistic interpretation of the situation.

While, if we talk about video recording, we have 4K technology at 24,25,30 and 60 fps, as well as 1080p at 25,30,60,120 and 240. We also find a Cinema mode at 30 fps, macro video, slow motion, time-lapse, ProRes LOG video, action mode and spatial audio.

That said, now let’s get down to business.


Testing the different zoom levels. Both the Apple and Xiaomi phones maintain great quality in the x2 and x5. From there, the iPhone begins to decline considerably, while its competitor does quite well up to x10, and even does well up to x30. The Apple firm’s phone only reaches x25 digital zoom, while Xiaomi’s reaches up to x100, of course, with a fairly reduced sharpness.

It is obvious that the images obtained with the Xiaomi team highlight the yellowish tones more, while in the case of the iPhone the blue and greenish tones, the latter being more similar to reality. However, in terms of clarity, it is the Asian firm’s phone that takes the lead.

Photo taken with the ultra wide angle of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra. More yellowish tones can be seen than in that of its opponent.

iPhone 15 Pro Max ultra-wide-angle camera.

Photo taken with the main camera of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Photo taken with the main camera of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Photo taken with the X3.2 telephoto lens of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Photo taken with the telephoto lens of the iPhone 15 Pro Max at X2 optical zoom.

Photo taken with the X5 telephoto lens of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Photo taken with the telephoto lens of the iPhone 15 Pro Max at X5 optical zoom.

Photo taken with the X10 zoom of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Photo taken with the telephoto lens of the iPhone 15 Pro Max at X10 digital zoom.

Photo taken with the X25 zoom of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Photo taken with the telephoto lens of the iPhone 15 Pro Max at X25 digital zoom. This is the maximum distance at which Apple equipment can take photos. Something that is noticeable is how the Chinese brand’s cell phone, in general terms, obtains better sharpness.

The x30 zoom of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, although it loses clarity, still offers images with a certain level of detail. Beyond this level, images lose quality.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra x100 Zoom. The capacity of this equipment is incredible, however, at this level the photos come out with very low sharpness.

At the macro level, the Xiaomi 14 Ultra interprets the scene better, it seems to be more compatible with macro photography. Capture more vivid colors and greater level of detail.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra macro camera.

iPhone 15 Pro Max macro camera.

If we talk about night photography, neither one nor the other stands out precisely for its quality. However, iPhone still suffers in low light situations when shooting with the ultra wide angle.

Ultra wide angle at night of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

iPhone 15 Pro Max ultra-wide-angle camera at night.

Ultra wide angle at night of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

iPhone 15 Pro Max ultra-wide-angle camera at night.

Main night camera of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

iPhone 15 Pro Max main camera at night.

Main camera of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra at night.

iPhone 15 Pro Max main camera at night.

Let’s talk about a special section: the level of detail. We found no complaints from either side, both phones take really good and sharp photos. However, there is no doubt that the Xiaomi 14 Ultra processes images much better and manages to capture a greater amount of information from the scene.

Level of detail of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Level of detail of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

You can see how the Xiaomi obtains greater detail in its photos by shooting at almost the same focal length as the iPhone.

Level of detail of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

You can see how the Xiaomi obtains greater detail in its photos by shooting at almost the same focal length as the iPhone.

Level of detail of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

The two front cameras are quite good, but again the iPhone interprets the color and light of the overall scene better. The difference is also noticeable when capturing the skin, the Apple phone still seems to have no rival when it comes to delivering images that are completely faithful to reality.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra front camera.

iPhone 15 Pro Max front camera.

Front camera with blur of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra. front with blur.

Front camera with blur of the iPhone 15 Pro Max

Versus video cameras

In this video we make a comparison of the video cameras of the two cell phones, which one do you like better?

By Editor

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