Artificial intelligence helps ALS patients who cannot speak

Artificial intelligence is already integrated into many areas of our lives, and now it turns out that the new technology can also help ALS patients. About 138 ALS patients were diagnosed in Israel in 2023. The newly diagnosed joined the community, which numbers about 600 patients in Israel.

ALS is still an incurable disease, and from the moment of diagnosis the life expectancy of the patients is from a few months to several years. “In the shock of the news and the experience of complete chaos, the IsraAlS association is the first to offer a listening ear and a helping hand to the patients and their family members,” says Efrat Karmi, CEO of IsraAlS, which recently held its 19th year fundraising evening.

With the participation of the association’s honorary president, Nobel laureate Prof. Aharon Chachanover, three leading Israeli researchers in the study of the disease in Israel were named at the event. Danny Sanderson appeared on stage, but the highlight event was recorded when ALS sufferer and social warrior Debbie Edmoni Zinner shared her struggle with the audience.

She did this using unique AI technology, which is the first in Israel to try it, and created an avatar for her that speaks in her own image. The character moves her lips to the voice of the computer accompanying Debbie, who activates it with her eyes.


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