Animals that can survive global disasters

Water bears that resist radiation, cockroaches that live longer than dinosaurs, and sharks that adapt to the deep sea are the top creatures in terms of survival ability.

Global disasters such as an asteroid impact or a serious pandemic outbreak could wipe out most animal species on Earth. Zoologist Eleanor Higgs, a graduate of Reading University, UK, proposed 5 animals with a high chance of survival in case such a disaster occurs.

Water bear

First on the list is a famous tiny creature – the water bear. They are really very small, only about 100 – 1,000 microns in size, equivalent to the thickness of a sheet of paper. Water bears are capable of surviving in nearly any harsh environment that Earth can throw at them. According to National Geographic, they are the most difficult animals to destroy on Earth. They can survive on sand dunes, at high altitudes and still live even when frozen.

Scientists have discovered that a protein called Dsup can protect the genetic material in each tardigrade’s cell, creating a small shield against dangerous particles. Thanks to this, they can survive high levels of radiation that most other organisms cannot. Some even believe that they can live on the Moon.


German cockroaches spread throughout the world thanks to their adaptability and rapid reproduction rate. Image: Action Pest Control

It would be remiss not to mention cockroaches. They survived the collision between Earth and the Chicxulub asteroid, the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs, so they also have a high chance of survival if the next global disaster occurs.

Part of the reason for cockroaches’ success lies in their body size and eating habits. This flat-bodied insect can squeeze into small crevices that other creatures cannot reach to a safe shelter, even underground. Additionally, instead of relying on one food source, they eat virtually anything, including things not normally considered food. Cockroaches also have excellent resistance to poisons, such as insecticides, making them one of the most difficult creatures to get rid of.


Depending on conditions during a global disaster, some animals will even benefit. For example, vultures can survive a zombie apocalypse. With so many undead around, they might even thrive. Vultures also possess a specially evolved stomach with acid that can digest even “difficult” bacteria.


Greenland shark under the ice in Lancaster Sound, near Canada’s Baffin Island. Image: WaterFrame/Alamy

The ocean is full of all kinds of creatures with unusual appearances and special adaptations to life in darkness and high pressure. A global disaster could bring many problems to the ocean, such as acidification or rising sea levels, but some marine life would still survive.

Greenland sharks have extremely long lifespans, some individuals even live more than 400 years. They have survived both world wars and nuclear weapons testing. Sharks have been present on Earth since before there were trees and before Saturn had rings, so it is very likely that at least one of the 500 shark species will survive the global disaster.

Emperor penguin

Emperor penguins can survive the most extreme temperature conditions in cold Antarctica, including wind speeds of 200 km/h and temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius. They can also endure weeks of without needing to eat thanks to stored fat. They also live in some of the most remote areas on the planet, so they can avoid the spread of diseases.

Choosing larger animals to include in the list is very difficult. Many species have evolved special adaptations to certain environments and will not be able to survive when their habitat is changed by a global disaster. For example, bears can sleep through the winter but still need a lot of food to survive when they wake up.

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