how to make your cell phone work faster without spending money

Mobile devices Today’s computers are like pocket computers: each model that hits the market surpasses the previous ones in processing level, memory, cameras and batteries. But with the passage of time, the constant downloading of photos, videos and files, added to the multiple use of applications, causes a wear that begins to slow down your speed.

Regardless of device manufacturer –Xiaomi, Samsung, Motorola, Huawei o TCL-, users used to follow certain steps every time a device becomes “this”: restart it from time to time, make a backup, avoid downloading large files and deleting unused applications, all measures that in many cases fail to increase the speed of the computer.

Below are five recommendations to make a Android cell phone be more efficient and durable.

Update the operating system

Updating the Android operating system to the latest version to access the latest features and the most up-to-date security patches is one of the main recommendations to keep a mobile device in good health.

To check if the cell phone has the latest update available, you will have to access Configuration/Settings, then “System” and then “Upgrade system”.

Depending on your device, carrier and current operating system, the frequency of updates will be slightly different, but most of the time they comply with the announcements stipulated by Google.

Uninstall unused apps

Apps take up storage space on your phone and can clog memory (RAM) if they run in the background. If when looking at the menu there are several that are not commonly used, uninstalling them can improve system fluidity and, at the same time, help in battery performance.

There are different ways of uninstall applicationsbut you can usually long-press the app icon and select Uninstall or drag the icon to the uninstall message that appears at the top of the screen.

You can clear individual app caches, if you don’t want to delete them one-off, for example, tap Settings > Storage > Other apps, tap an app, and select Clear cache.

Meanwhile, Samsung devices have a different route: you have to directly click on Settings > Applications. From here, you can sort by size or choose an app and tap Storage > Clear Cache. The cache will build up again, so this is not as effective as deleting the app.

Set default apps

If the wrong app or web browser opens when you click a link or photo, you’ll need to go into the device settings and find out what applications are selected as default for certain situations. This helps better fluidity of the system.

To complete this action you must enter the “Apps or Applications” section. If they don’t appear in the list, first tap “See all apps” or “App info.”

Then, in the “Open by default” option, you have to disable the “Open supported links” option. You can delete them all and start again or do it one by one depending on the installed apps.

Extend battery life

Nothing destroys productivity like a dead or dying battery. Here are two easy solutions: carry a portable charger or make the battery last longer.

To save battery, you must keep wifi off when there is no available network nearby. The same with Bluetooth and GPS. When not in use, close apps running in the background and use the power saving mode introduced in phones with Android Lollipop (2014) version.

Use virtual RAM

One of the main problems with cell phones is the decline in their performance over the years. Speed ​​is determined in part by processor power and amount of RAM, responsible for managing the resources of the Android operating system and all the apps. But how can you improve a phone with little memory and without the ability to extend it? Under that idea the call was born RAM virtual.

RAM memory (Random Access Memory, in English) allows you to temporarily store the data of the apps that are being used. It is a ultra-fast physical memorywhich deletes all data once an app is closed or the device is restarted.

If the user opens several apps at the same time, this memory is responsible for managing all the information they produce. That is why, to More RAM, the device runs faster since it has a superior capacity to manage data.

Unlike what happens with a computer, smartphones do not allow you to improve the physical components to obtain better performance. The solution is the so-called virtual RAM, which consists of using part of the internal storage to use it as RAM, only when necessary. Or to keep the main files of open apps always ready to load.

But virtual RAM doesn’t work the same way as physical RAM, as it doesn’t magically go from 8 to 10 GB, for example. Virtual memory only uses storage that is offered from within. It does this mainly to keep the main files of open applications always ready to load.

“RAM memory is something that people are increasingly looking for improve the performance of your cell phones. The ability to expand it using the phone’s internal storage is a feature implemented from the operating system by our development team, which can be activated or deactivated at any time optionally” summarized Pablo Brancone, product manager of Motorola Argentina.

It’s also worth noting that the feature involves constant reading and writing, which is not good for flash memory as they have limited read and write cycles. Therefore, frequent use of internal storage for Virtual RAM reduces the lifespan of your storage.

The main cell phone manufacturers –Samsung, Motorola, Oppo, Xiaomi and Realmeamong others – began to offer virtual RAM in several of their devices to “help the mobile phone be faster and be able to have more apps open at the same time.”

The list of equipment compatible with this technology is not extensive in Argentina, at least those sold on the official sites of the main companies.

The Motorola Edge 30 Pro, with the latest Qualcomm processor and a 6.7-inch Max Vision OLED screen with a ratio of 88.5%.

The one that boasts a greater offer is Motorola with the moto g100 (it has 8 GB and can be expanded to 10 GB of RAM); Motorola edge 20 lite (it has 6 GB and capacity for 7.5 GB with virtual RAM); and the Motorola edge 30 prowhich includes 12 GB RAM from the factory and the ability to increase it to 15 GB through virtual RAM.

For its part, Samsung began to include the function of RAM virtual (called RAM Plus) in more and more mid-range smartphones, such as the model Galaxy A 52s 5G. This particular version recently received an update with the innovative virtual RAM feature through a feature called RAMPlus.

Samsung Galaxy A 52s 5G.

In the case of the Galaxy A 52s 5G, which has 6GB of RAM internally, by enabling the RAMPlus function the device uses a portion of the internal storage to expand its capacity up to 10GB virtual.

“Virtual RAM is a technology that uses software to make a small fraction of storage memory compatible with RAM. Its goal is to improve memory management and keep more apps open without them closing over time“said Mariano Dascanio, Samsung’s marketing manager, to the newspaper. Clarion.

Depending on the Android operating system that the device has, it is only necessary to perform the following steps, at least on a device manufactured by Motorola.

Virtual RAM can be enabled from the Configuration or Settings option on Android cell phones.

From the icon represented by a gear -Settings- you must access the System option, then “Performance and RAM Extension” to activate the function. To complete the process you will only have to restart the phone.

The Motorola Edge 20 Pro can reach 15 GB through virtual RAM.

RAM memory virtualization is a frequent concept in the world of computers. Until now, in the universe of smartphones it required third-party apps and complex tutorials, capable of confusing anyone.

Now, in four simple steps, anyone can improve the performance of their mobile device, without the need for complicated configurations or asking for help from experts and in a similar way to what ROM memory (storage) does with the microSD.

By Editor

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