The start-up company Revealense unveils an AI-based technology for identifying behavioral DNA of people in videos

The Israeli start-up company Revealense, which until today operated under the radar and was self-funded, reveals a technological solution based on AI and deep learning called illuminator, which is a big step forward in the field of technologies for analyzing human behavior and includes several breakthroughs in the field that have been registered as patents.

Revealense was founded in 2021 by Dov Donin, the company’s CEO, who gathered around him a team of experts in the fields of psychology and neuropsychology, mathematics, AI, computer vision, neural networks, and more. The company is located in Petah Tikva and employs 10 people.

The illuminator system developed by the company analyzes the behavior of people captured on video (live or recorded) using artificial intelligence. For the first time in this field, the system knows how to identify the exact context of the photo, such as: a job interview, credibility check, investigation of a hostile factor, diagnosis of a mental state – and it activates the appropriate algorithms for the specific situation.

A dashboard shows the user how a number of neural networks monitor in real time physiological characteristics that change during photography due to involuntary changes in the nervous system such as: changes in skin pigmentation, blood flow and pulse, changes in voice, eye blinking, facial expressions and signs of neural discharge (displacement of facial muscles that pulled about a tenth of a second). During the analysis of these indicators, the system shows the changes in the emotional and mental state of the person photographed and the exact content that disturbed him and caused him to have a nervous reaction or stress.

Based on these parameters, the system produces a kind of mental DNA of the photographed person that allows managers, researchers and psychologists to make high-quality, accurate and fair decisions about him. For the first time in this field, another neural network integrated into the system performs a process of mutual checking of the various parameters (cross reference) to verify the findings, identify a level of consistency and calibrate the result. This technology has been registered as a patent and it solves the problems of other solutions on the market that track only one index or several indices but without mutual checking between them. The mental signature identifies traits, intentions, anticipation of reactions or evolving mental changes, in different situations, and more.

Another breakthrough of illuminator, which has also been registered as a patent, is the approach of ethical, responsible and fair AI embedded in it. The system’s models neutralize cultural influences and provide equal insights, without bias and discrimination and without the influence of geographic region, religion, language, nationality, race, etc.

Dov Donin, founder and CEO of Revealense: “We currently provide a friendly diptech system for identifying the behavioral profile and personality characteristics of people and give the decision makers powerful tools to understand the other person and to make accurate, fair and equitable decisions. The system is easy to implement in a cloud service model (SaaS) and can be used on a wide scale. For example, examining the development of mental trauma, identifying the potential for violence, diagnosing reliability, and more.”

Target markets: security, mental health, deepfake detection

Revealense currently operates in three main target markets where it already has customers in Israel and around the world:

Mental health institutions – those who need a quality solution for identifying a mental state, gaps between a real state and a stated state, assistance in the treatment process, identifying causes of trauma and anxiety, and more. This market is expected to grow to a financial volume of 20 billion dollars in the US by 2027 with an average annual growth rate of 30%.

Public security bodies, homeland security – who need a solution for interrogation rooms, for checks of information reliability, remote checking of people’s reliability and profiles of people. This market is expected to grow to $20 billion in the US by 2025 with an average annual growth rate of 20%.

The deepfake detection market – a market that is growing rapidly against the background of concerns of governments, media bodies, brands, financial institutions and more about the damage of fake videos of this type. The market is expected to grow to a financial volume of 40 billion dollars in the US with an average annual growth rate of 33.5%.

By Editor

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