Croatian mathematical genius: Borna (17) was also recognized by Harvard

Borna Vidmar (17), student of the third grade of the Matija Mesi High School in Slavonski Brod, is one of two gifted students in Croatia who received the prestigious Harvard Book Prize. This award was given by the former students of that university, which is widely recognized in the world. The award fell into the right hands, said everyone we talked to about this hard-working young man.

– What he has done so far is enough for a lifetime’s work, and he is only 17 – said Lucija Brni, the principal of the high school who nominated Born for the award.

Slavonski Brod: Borna Vidmar is the winner of the Harvard Book Prize
Foto: Ivica Galovic/ PIXSELL

She swims, goes to competitions…

Borna is namely, since 2018, he has won more than 20 awards and leading places in swimming competitions, as well as in state and county competitions in various subjects – from mathematics, for which he shows a special talent, to computer science, geography, physics and history. As a member of the “Marsonia” swimming club, he stood out in numerous competitions, and upon entering high school, he also became a member of the high school swimming team. All these broad interests were crucial to the selection of Harvard alumni.

– I was very surprised when I found out that I received the award. When I applied, I had no idea what my chances of winning were. Therefore, I didn’t worry too much about it, so I was even more surprised when I found out about it. I was happy and grateful to the principal when I heard that they had applied for me, even though there are many other students in our school who I believe would be excellent candidates – this modest, well-mannered young man told us. whom we visited at school.

“We didn’t expect anything”

Considering that he is versatile in his activities, we were interested to know if he thinks that he got the award because of that, and not just because of mathematics.

– As stated in the criteria itself, the prize is awarded to a student who is active in various areas, so I believe that this certainly contributed to their decision. This year, in addition to the National Mathematics Competition, I also participated in the National Geography Competition, as well as in many school and extracurricular activities, some of which were of a volunteer nature. I suppose that knowledge of the German language and the fact that I practice swimming in my spare time contributed especially, says Borna, who will spend part of the summer in one of the female camps in Germany.

Everyone in the family is happy because of the award, especially his parents, mother Jasna and father Slaven, as well as his twin sister Nera.

– My parents certainly supported me, and they didn’t have high expectations either, which is why they were particularly happy and satisfied, even more than me, when they found out that I had won the award – he said. Borna, adding that his friends are also happy and surprised about the award, although at the beginning they did not know what kind of award it was.

This young man, on the threshold of a turning point in his life brought by the end of high school, looks to the future with great optimism, but also with caution.

– Next year I am a high school graduate, so I will be enrolled in college. I would like to enroll in mathematics, but I am not yet completely sure what my first choice will be. I don’t think it’s wise to make some long-term plans for the future – said Borna, who is currently looking forward most to the summer camp in Germany, where he will improve his knowledge of German even more.

This means a lot for the school

Except in society, Borna is popular in his school. It was impressive to hear the school principal and his math teacher talk about him.

– The prestigious award of Harvard University awarded to our Borna and his Gymnasium. This is confirmation that the school achieves its purpose, that it recognizes the abilities and peculiarities of its students, that it discovers talents, supports, encourages, directs and maximally develops their potential. Borna is special in that he has an extraordinary interest in learning and science, a highly developed work ethic, a strong character and shows a wide range of the most diverse interests. All the mentioned characteristics were described as conditions and criteria for awarding this award. Borna is her ideal winner because with her interests, achievements and personality she even surpasses the set criteria – says Lucija Brni, director.

Slavonski Brod: Borna Vidmar is the winner of the Harvard Book Prize
Foto: Ivica Galovic/ PIXSELL

There are not many students like Borna who are successful in everything they do, and they have so many different interests and approach everything responsibly and with dedication, adds the principal, who is sure that Borna will be excellent in everything he does.

– This award is difficult for many to achieve, but it is certainly a message to everyone that education is an investment in oneself and that knowledge is a value that should be strived for. It is an important message to young people who grow up in a world of disturbed values ​​- she concluded.

‘Everything was clear to me immediately’

He was none the less delighted nor his mathematics professor Goran Knežević, who admits that some of Borna’s solutions to problems in mathematics, the path and arrival to the results surprised him personally.

Slavonski Brod: Borna Vidmar is the winner of the Harvard Book Prize
Foto: Ivica Galovic/ PIXSELL

Već on the first knowledge test in mathematics, his style of solving problems significantly differed from the one usually seen in students. Borna’s level of systematicity and comprehensibility is more appropriate for an experienced mathematician than for a student who (at that time) enrolled in high school. Of course. Experience has taught me that every new generation that enrolls in our school produces several gifted students, and it was immediately obvious that Borna is among the best of those I have the honor to call my students – he said. prof. Knežević.

He pointed out that it is a common misconception that “someone has a clicker” for mathematics.

– It should be emphasized that behind Borna’s success is self-discipline, persistence, work and renunciation, and I believe also love for what he does. He is at the same time youngć who is accepted and respected at school and outside the educational framework, always ready to help, with a good sense of humor, in short, a superb young man. In this sense, my condolences go to him and his parents. Borna is what Croatia needs – concludes Goran Knežević, professor of mathematics at the Slavonskobrod high school.

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