One million euro project: The Center for a Safer Internet will continue to work and help protect children

The partnership agreement on the continuation of the Center for Safer Internet project, worth more than one million euros, was signed on Tuesday by the representatives of Osje Center for Missing and Abused Children (CNZD), the company “A1” and the University “Algebra”.

The project will be co-financed with more than 50 percent of the value from EU funds, and the head of the Croatian CNZD, Tomislav Ramljak, says that they are preparing new preventive activities, which will make the Internet a safer place for children in Croatia.

He reminded that the Center for a Safer Internet in Osijek has been operating since 2015 in Osijek, has three main areas of work, preventive activities to raise awareness about the safety of children on the Internet, and also a “helpline” number 0800 606 606, which is available to helpć children who become victims of peer violence, abuse or harmful behavior on the Internet –

Višnjevac: Official signing of cooperation agreement on the “Safer Internet Center Croatia” project
Foto: Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

We also have our anonymous line for reporting illegal Internet content, especially related to sexual abuse of children, where we forward every report to the police. In the first five months alone, we had about 400 calls, which is about 40 percent more than last year, notes Ramljak.

He warns that last year alone in Croatia, 460 criminal acts of exploiting children for pornography were recorded, which is a huge increase.

Given that the number of such criminal acts is growing all over the world, including in our country, the CNZD points out that they are trying to reach as many children, young people and parents as possible through prevention, so that they can learn about safety on the road. internet, and one of the novelties in the continuation of the project will be the use of artificial intelligence to help children when using various internet services

The general director of the company “A1 Hrvatska” Dejan Turk points out that this company provides internet and mobile devices, which is why, in cooperation with the Center for a Safer Internet, a few months ago, they opened the first counseling center in one of their Zagreb offices. which branches.

Višnjevac: Official signing of cooperation agreement on the “Safer Internet Center Croatia” project
Foto: Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

First of all, we want to work in the area of ​​parent and child education, to make the Internet a safer place for everyone, said Turk.

Rector of “Algebra” University Mislav Balković states that they joined this project, because as an institution more They have been developing “cyber security” and education in that area for a long time.

I think that we can provide young people, children and parents with information on how to feel safe in a space that is important to us, and in which we spend more and more time, and how not to put ourselves in a situation where someone abuses us, even then if we are not even aware of it, said Balkovi.

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