AI shoots paintballs in new security system against criminals |  TECHNOLOGY

An innovative home security system, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), promises to mark potential intruders with paintballs, an idea that seems straight out of a futuristic movie.

The system, called Paintcam Eve, uses artificial intelligence to detect intruders and mark them with paintballs. To do this, it incorporates intelligent object tracking and facial recognition to identify potential threats. When it detects an intruder, the system fires paintballs, marking the individual for easier identification. It also offers the option of using tear gas to deter intruders.

The system costs between $1,200 and $2,000, depending on the model. More expensive versions include advanced human and animal face detection capabilities, thus preventing accidental shots of pets.

The purpose of paintballs is to make it easier for police to identify intruders. However, the legality of the system in the US is uncertain, as it could be classified as a “homemade trap,” which is illegal under US law, CNET reports.

The PaintCam is also a security camera that records video and allows home monitoring through an app. Protection zones can be defined and, if the Internet connection fails, the camera acts autonomously to maintain security.

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