Rare striped civet breeds successfully

Ninh Binh10 rare striped civets have just been naturally bred at the Wildlife Conservation Center in Cuc Phuong National Park.

On June 18, Mr. Le Trong Dat, Deputy Director of the Center for Rescue, Conservation and Development of Creatures of Cuc Phuong National Park, said that 10 baby striped civets were successfully reproduced from the pairing of four pairs of fathers. Mom. They are now about a month old and healthy.

A striped civet next to two newborn cubs. Image: Wildlife Conservation Center in Vietnam

At the end of 2023, 4 female striped civets and 8 adult males were confiscated by the authorities from wildlife trading activities and brought to the Vietnam Wildlife Conservation Center for pairing. “The 10 baby civets were born naturally by four mothers and are now quite healthy. The results have exceeded expectations,” said Mr. Tran Van Truong, coordinator of Peripheral Conservation activities, Animal Conservation Center. wildlife in Vietnam, said.

According to Mr. Le Trong Dat, Deputy Director of the Center for Rescue, Conservation and Development of Organisms, Cuc Phuong National Park, this is the largest successful breeding of striped civets ever in the world.

Currently, all striped civets, including juveniles, are continuously monitored 24 hours a day via a camera system. In addition, minimizing human impact on the civet population is also one of the top priorities.

The striped civet herd is monitored 24 hours a day via a camera system. Image: Wildlife Conservation Center in Vietnam

In 2023, with the goal of preserving this rare civet species, Cuc Phuong National Park in collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Center in Vietnam has built a 1.3-hectare conservation breeding area with a number of facilities. items such as fence systems, breeding cages, food processing areas…

The project aims to successfully breed and maintain stability of at least 50 striped civets and begin to restore the population before releasing them into the wild. Authorities say it is possible to release the striped civets in Cuc Phuong into the wild in the next 3-4 years.

The Wildlife Conservation Center in Vietnam is looking for more resources and promoting cooperation with domestic units such as the Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center, Saigon Zoo and Botanical Garden and other agencies. government, to diversify genetic resources.

Striped civet has a scientific name Chrotogale owstoni, is a beautiful small carnivore with high ecological value, very rare in the wild. They are one of the smallest species of Asian small carnivores, found only in Vietnam, Laos and to a very small extent in southern China. This species is in the Endangered group of the World Red List (IUCN), listed as an endangered species prioritized for protection.

The wild civet population is in serious decline due to illegal hunting and trade as food and pets. Accordingly, “protecting and restoring striped civets has become a priority in biodiversity conservation in Vietnam and the world”, according to the Center for Wildlife Conservation in Vietnam.

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