Environmental protection initiatives win Vifotec 2023 awards

Environmental monitoring technology and warning of radioactive pollution at sea, worm farming system for animal feed or rice varieties with disease-resistant genes… were awarded the Vifotec 2023 award.

The Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award (Vifotec) and the WIPO 2023 Award at the end of May honored 47 outstanding scientific works, based on novelty, creativity, widespread applicability, and economic efficiency. . The award focuses on 6 key areas including mechanical automation; materials, information technology, electronics and telecommunications; biology for production and life, technology to respond to climate change, environmental protection and rational use of resources; energy saving technology and new energy use.

In particular, in the field of Technology to respond to climate change, environmental protection and reasonable use of resources, many topics are applied in production, bringing high economic efficiency, serving the community and society. society.

Secretary of the Central Youth Union Nguyen Minh Triet (front row, fourth from left) awarded the award to the representative of the group of authors who won the third prize. Image: La Duy

Research project designs, manufactures and integrates environmental monitoring and radioactive pollution warning systems at sea by Lieutenant Colonel, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Tien Anh and his colleagues at the Military Technical Academy won third prize. The monitoring system is designed in a modular style that allows the flexible replacement and addition of sensors and functional blocks, and the development of intelligent signal processing algorithms and communication in many ways. ensuring smooth two-way communication in real time. The flexible combination in manufacturing power systems and communication systems ensures that devices operate independently for long periods of time at sea.

The system allows continuous monitoring of environmental parameters and radioactive pollution in marine areas. The project’s products are an important link in completing the Army’s radiation monitoring and warning network on land, in the air and at sea, ensuring readiness to respond to radioactive incidents. nuclear weapons at sea, contributing to minimizing impacts on the marine environment and humans

Another project about manufacturing farming equipment and producing products from worms as animal feed ingredients by Dr. Le Xuan Hao and colleagues from the Institute of Agricultural Electromechanics and Post-harvest Technology (won third prize).

Research to perfect the technological process and manufacture the first automatic worm farming and processing equipment system in Vietnam, with a scale of 4 tons of worms/2.5 months. The research team has built two worm farming models of 300 m2 and 200 m2 applying advanced, automatic techniques. Compared with the old model, the worm farming time is reduced from 3.5 months to 2.5 months. In particular, the food processing machine for worm farming from organic waste developed from this project was granted a patent by the Intellectual Property Office in January. This is the first food preparation system for worm farming in Vietnam. Vietnam, designed to suit households, farms, and companies, and can be separated into 2 individual farming and processing modules depending on needs.

Other works belong to the product Rice variety TBR225 is resistant to leaf blight, led by Master of Science Tran Manh Bao, Thai Binh Seed, won the consolation prize. The authors have researched to improve the TBR225 rice variety with pest-resistant traits while still retaining high yield characteristics and rice quality.

The TBR225 rice variety selected by Thai Binh Seed has blight resistance genes and inherits the good characteristics of the TBR225 rice variety, so it is widely adaptable and suitable for production in the Northern provinces, the South Central Coast and the Central Highlands. Blight-resistant TBR225 increases farmers’ income by 4 – 6 million VND/ha compared to TBR225.

The birth of the blight-resistant rice variety TBR225 has created a new direction in rice production in intensive farming areas. Currently the variety is tested and put into production in 28 provinces and cities with an area of ​​about 15,000 hectares.

Engineer Tran Manh Bao in the rice fields. Image: Thai Binh Seed

The Vifotec Award has been jointly organized annually by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union since 1995. Currently, there are nearly 3,000 projects participating and more than 900 projects winning awards.

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