How to find free books and movies on Google Drive

The company Google It has among its services the possibility of store in the cloud various files. In this way, the memory performance of personal computers is optimized and the information is kept secure in a virtual space.

The files that each person uploads to Drive can be private or shared by authorized people, or simply open and free for anyone who wants to access.

Photos, documents, short and long videos, complete books, everything can go to the cloud depending on the available capacity. There is a volume of gigabytes that is free and, by paying, you can access a much larger capacity.

Fans of cinema and literature, specialists in scientific disciplines and any field can go there. complete libraries and cinematheques.

Searching for books and movies on Google Drive

Today there are many platforms that offer books and movies free, both to access online (with active Internet) or offline (downloads), such as Stremio for movies and series, or Internet Archive for movies and books.

From Chrome you can search for movies and books stored by other people in Drive. Photo: Clarín.

But fans of “finding the way around” and challenging the rules, always so lax, of the virtual world, like to find tricks to enter the Drive and be able to watch movies or read books for free, without requiring a link.

And you open the Chromethe browser Googley you type “” plus the name of the movie, book or author you are looking for, the screen will bring you the files that have been uploaded with that name and have not been protected with due security. In cases of movies and books you can have real discoveries and enjoy them.

How to protect your files in Drive

If you save files or data in the cloud, it is important that you remember, whenever you are interested, set them as private or shared only with whoever you want. If not, others will be able to access your information with little-known but possible mechanisms.

The search activity in Drive warns us that personal files, whether from your private life or work projects, can be “stolen” if you don’t lock them with the tools that the system offers you.

To take care of your virtual deposit, you must select the “restricted” mode for files that you want to preserve privately.

Or, better yet, you have the possibility to directly close access to all your cloud space instead of putting a lock on each file. And you can always go back and declassify the documentation or the entire space if you want to give access to someone or just release it for everyone.

Text, photos and videos can be saved in Drive. They advise preserving personal files with the “restricted” mode. Photo: Clarín.

All these opportunities are being given to you by the Google service in its configuration, simply by clicking the button “manage access”. Mark the documents as “restricted” and if you later want to share the information with someone, you will only have to send them the link by email or WhatsApp. This resource is widely used when working as a team and more than one person enters to work on or with that document.

Therefore, if someone accesses your documents, they are not stealing them, it’s just that you you are leaving them on the “virtual public road” by not classifying them as private.

By Editor

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