Leading experts from 17 countries share and discuss research that contributes to controlling disease outbreaks and modeling infectious diseases.

The opening event on the morning of June 24 at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE) Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh was organized by Vietnam Meeting Science Association, ICISE Center and MIDSEA network. The conference brought together many leading experts on infectious disease modeling in Southeast Asia such as Professor Alexander Richard Cook (Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore); Professor Jomar Rabajante (University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines); Professor May Anne Mata (University of the Philippines Mindanao), Associate Professor Wirichada Pan-ngum (MORU, Thailand).

In his opening speech, Professor Tran Thanh Van, Chairman of Vietnam Encounter Association, said that ICISE Center wishes to coordinate with international organizations to contribute to the growing scientific development of Southeast Asia. .

He said that the MIDSEA Summer School, seminar and symposium were organized with the desire to inspire Vietnamese and international graduate students when researching infectious disease models. Through the program, knowledge about infectious disease models on many topics is updated, providing an opportunity to connect scientists. “Students have more knowledge and interest to boldly pursue research topics,” he said.

Professor Tran Thanh Van spoke at the opening ceremony of the event on the morning of June 24. Image: Key personnel

At the MIDSEA symposium, scientists and graduate students exchange ideas on infectious disease modeling, especially research that contributes to controlling disease outbreaks in Southeast Asia and the region. In which infectious disease models such as HPV, Strep A and chikungunya vaccine impact models; understanding the long-term sequelae of infectious diseases; explore ecological epidemiological models of the spread of Hantavirus and epidemiological models of Covid-19 transmission.

Professor Alexander Richard Cook, Vice Principal of Saw Swee Hock College of Public Health, National University of Singapore (NUS), hopes that through the conference, young PhD students in Southeast Asia and the region will have the opportunity to access , learn. Professor Alex Cook is one of the main instructors at the Summer School. He shares key research on modeling and statistics of infectious diseases, including dengue fever, influenza and respiratory pathogens.

GS Alexander Richard Cook. Ảnh: Key personnel

The 10-day event, from June 19-29, is part of the 20th “Meeting Vietnam” series at ICISE. Established in 2013, ICISE is a non-profit organization headquartered in Quy Nhon city, with the mission of promoting international scientific and educational cooperation. This is a meeting point and academic exchange according to international standards, contributing to connecting Vietnamese and world scientists. Every year, ICISE organizes dozens of scientific events, gathering thousands of the world’s leading scientists in many fields.

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