OnePlus' Glacier Battery promises to improve smartphone performance and battery life

OnePlus has presented a battery technology that promises a change in the performance and useful life of this element, which offers greater capacity without increasing space and speeds up the full charge to about 36 minutes with a 6,100mAh battery.

The new one technology, called Glacier Battery (Glacier Battery), has managed to increase the capacity of the lithium ion battery without increasing the size, that is, a 6,100mAh cell in the space usually occupied by a 5,000mAh cell.

With it, he manages to increase 23.1 percent energy supply compared to that offered by graphite batteries, as reported by the specialized portal Android Police from the presentation of this technology, carried out in China.

In addition, the 6,100mAh battery with ‘Glacier Battery’ technology improves efficiency in the case of fast charging. So, with a 100 watt system, recharging from one to one hundred percent in 36 minutes. And it improves the useful life, because OnePlus ensures that after four years of use it maintains more than 80 percent of its capacity.

By Editor

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