Honor uses AI to protect eyesight and detect ‘deepfakes’ in new functions

At Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2024, Honor has introduced two features powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) designed to protect users’ eyesight and detect video ‘deepfakes’. The company has revealed AI Defocus Eye Protection and AI Deepfake Detection.

The mobile manufacturer has developed new features powered by AI with the aim of empowering people and raising the level of user security, as indicated in a press release. Along these lines, the company has presented two new technological tools.

AI Defocus Eye Protection addresses the growing problem of myopia induced by prolonged screen use by simulating blurring glasses on smart devices.

According to the brand, this technology helps reduce transient myopia by up to 75 degrees in some cases, providing a visual effect that protects ocular health while improving central visual clarity.

On the other hand, AI Deepfake Detection focuses on mitigating the risks associated with deepfakes through detailed frame-by-frame analysis.

The firm has explained that this tool identifies signals imperceptible to the human eye, such as changes in lighting or eye contact, alerting the user about manipulated digital content.

Additionally, Deepfake Detection has been trained on video and image datasets linked to online scams. This enables AI to identify, analyze and compare in just three seconds, Honor claims.

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