Yoda and Darth Vader catch Euro fever in these images created by AI |  PHOTOS |  Star Wars |  Nintendo |  TECHNOLOGY

The fever for Eurocup has dominated the football world in recent weeks, a passion that some believe should not be foreign even to the inhabitants of a galaxy far, far away.

Thus, Instagram user @midjourneyhero shared a series of images showing Star Wars characters. like Yoda, Darth Vader, Leia Organa, Boba Fett and more sharing the passion for the European championship.

The realistic images were made using generative artificial intelligence programs, a recent technology that manages to create quite realistic images based on user instructions.

Although it remains in doubt whether in the image of Chewbacca @midjourneyhero ordered the AI ​​to give him what appears to be an iced mochaccino from Starbucks instead of a more traditional drink like a beer.

It is not the only series related to the Euro Cup published by an Instagram user, who also shared images of Nintendo characters celebrating their teams, with Mario, evidently, supporting the Italian team.

What is your favorite image and what teams do you think these fictional characters would support in the real world?

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