Science and technology help boost Ha Tinh's economic growth

Research, application and transfer of science and technology and innovation activities contribute to increasing the value of key products and protecting the brands of local products.

The information was shared at a working session of the Ministry of Science and Technology led by Deputy Minister Tran Hong Thai with the People’s Committee of Ha Tinh province on June 28. The working session assessed the results of science, technology and innovation activities of Ha Tinh province in the period of 2022-2024, removed difficulties, proposed, recommended and solutions along with key tasks in the coming period.

Deputy Minister Tran Hong Thai works with the People’s Committee of Ha Tinh province. Photo: TTTT

The report of the Department of Science and Technology of Ha Tinh cited many results, showing that since 2020, the province has carried out many studies, including 2 tasks under the Gene Fund program and 11 projects under the rural mountainous program, about 90 topics and projects. The research and application tasks help to gradually master the technology of selecting and creating high-yield, good-quality plant and animal varieties that are widely adapted to production. In addition to applying high technology transfer to produce Phalaenopsis orchids, Bo Chinh ginseng, and giant freshwater prawn varieties, many techniques have been applied to bring economic efficiency such as greenhouse production technology, artificial intelligence application, shrimp farming in cement tanks, and tarpaulin ponds.

In the field of Medicine, research on herbs that can limit some common cancers, application of “Vietnamese Yoga Therapy” to restore function for patients with sequelae of cerebrovascular accident. Many research results on pharmaceuticals are produced commercially for the market.

The province’s direction also focuses on applying biotechnology to treat the environment, produce organic fertilizers; apply automation technology in fruit and vegetable production, and process agricultural products and food. Many new technologies are applied such as the technology of scraping, reinforcing and cold recycling in place of polymer mortar coating, producing concrete pipes, unburnt bricks and concrete structures or processing fish sauce using a solar-powered heating system…

Scientific research, application and technological innovation have contributed to improving product quality, especially in developing key local products. Currently, the province has 16 products registered for community brand protection, 6 products are supported for intellectual property development such as Phuc Trach grapefruit, Huong Son deer antlers, Thuong Loc oranges, Vu Quang oranges, Cu Do Ha Tinh candy, Ky Ninh fish sauce. Of which, 2 products are protected by geographical indications: Phuc Trach grapefruit and Huong Son deer antlers.

Deputy Minister Tran Hong Thai and the delegation visited the high-tech agricultural model producing Phalaenopsis orchids in Thach Khe commune, Thach Ha district. Photo: TTTT

According to the results of the 2023 Local Innovation Index (PII), Ha Tinh ranked 42nd, with GRDP growth in 2022 reaching VND 91,911 billion. Ha Tinh’s economic growth in 2023 ranked 15th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide and was the highest in the North Central region.

However, Chairman of Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Committee Vo Trong Hai also acknowledged that the province’s science and technology capacity is still limited, not yet linking research and application, and has no cutting-edge science and technology products; the number of annual scientific task proposals is low, the quality of project topics is not high, and lacks applicability.

Identifying the key tasks in the coming period, Ha Tinh proposed the Ministry of Science and Technology to support a number of scientific and technological tasks on sustainable development of the marine economy, development of intellectual property of endemic products, and high-tech agriculture. In addition, remove difficulties in financial mechanisms to support programs and projects on research and technology transfer such as deep processing of products from Huong Son deer, agarwood trees, etc.

Chairman of Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Committee Vo Trong Hai speaks at the meeting. Photo: TTTT

Deputy Minister Tran Hong Thai acknowledged the achievements of Ha Tinh. In particular, the management of science, technology and innovation has been comprehensively implemented in all fields by Ha Tinh, with many innovations in research, application, transfer and many outstanding results, contributing positively to the socio-economic development of the province. The reported results show that science and technology closely follow and practically serve the tasks and development goals.

However, Deputy Minister Thai acknowledged that there are still difficulties and obstacles that prevent the province’s science and technology activities from developing commensurate with its advantages and potential. Leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology suggested that Ha Tinh province continue to promote the implementation of programs, tasks, research and application of advanced achievements, new technologies, high technologies, transfer of scientific and technological advances in environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and promotion of traditional cultural heritage values ​​of the locality.

He suggested key solutions such as increasing investment in science and technology, attracting resources, promoting application, transfer and innovation of technology. “Ha Tinh province needs to actively propose tasks to solve major interdisciplinary problems, develop products with high added value, products along the value chain, and at the same time promote the creative and innovative startup ecosystem,” Deputy Minister Thai emphasized.

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