Honor, smartphones and artificial intelligence: we learned about the strategy and vision for the new AI phones from the Chinese brand | Cell phones | GEN AI | Cell phones | TECHNOLOGY

For these reasons, it is important to know more in depth how smartphone companies are preparing for the future and to stay in the race. “At the beginning of this century, generative AI was not something that excited as many people as it is now. Neural networks were not as sophisticated,” he said. Ray Guo,global marketing director of Honor.

Trade spoke with the CMO, one of the most illustrious voices on artificial intelligence from the Chinese brand, who resolved some doubts regarding its vision and strategy. As its main weapon, it supports the thesis that a technology company focused on mobile phones must be concerned with all aspects that encompass AI, not just, for example, some fun camera functions.

“For decades, we have seen ups and downs in the artificial intelligence,Decades ago, we thought about AI in a totally different way. Today, when we have this computing power, we can take advantage of scaling laws. That’s why we’re refocusing and paying much more attention, again, to this field of generative AI. Honor“We’ve been doing this for a long time, even before generative AI became a ‘boom,’” the director said.

Guo He explained that while his team has been innovating on the hardware side for decades, it is the contributions of Microsoft, Google and Qualcomm on the software side that enable the new devices to Honor may be competent.

“Today we are bringing on many more partners to grow our capabilities in generative AI. But, we are focusing on innovation on the device side because it means a better way to have cross-OS capability and privacy protection. And in the long term, it will become a core competency, not just for mobile phones, but for all smart devices,” he added.

The doctor in electronic and computer engineering believes that by combining personalization, intuition and privacy protection of AI in devices, a great step will be taken to unlock the potential of artificial intelligence.

He also noted that one of the key strategies is not to follow the manufacturer or supply chain type of mindset, but to focus on what is possibly relevant to the consumer, for example, eye protection.

Another of Guo’s plans is that the artificial intelligence and technological innovations, such as the aforementioned eye protection, reach all groups, not just the most expensive devices. However, he argues that it makes sense for the latest updates to go first to flagship products such as the Magic series, since they have a more powerful SoC (chip that does all or most of the system functions) capacity.

Regarding the future, what we will see in the near future in mobile phones, Guo assured that, despite having several technologically viable innovation projects, Honor will prioritize novelties that are truly useful to humans rather than something more striking.

“We believe that with Magic OS, the ability to IA “In smartphones, it can definitely benefit across all hardware. You will see more innovations in smartphones, in PCs, in tablets, and you will definitely see this flow through, including electronic wearables and home devices. We are short on hours of work,” the CMO said.

For now, it can only be confirmed that a tablet and a PC are to be launched in the coming months. A smart TV is also in development and, in terms of cell phones, a focus on battery durability and longevity.

It is worth remembering that Honor presented its architecture a few weeks ago artificial intelligence four-layer architecture, on which MagicOS 8.0 and its services are based, and future Gen-AI experiences in collaboration with Google Cloud.

The first layer enables sharing of computing power and services across devices and operating systems. Building on this, the platform-level AI layer enables a customised operating system. The third layer introduces generative AI applications and the last provides access to massive cloud services.

As mentioned by George Zhao, CEO of Honor,during MWC 2024, the current wave of AI advancements is unprecedented in history and will immediately change smartphone innovation. He stressed the importance of creating devices that provide an intuitive, human-centric experience while ensuring user privacy.

By Editor

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