The iPhone X and the original AirPods are now considered 'vintage' by Apple

Get ready to feel the inexorable passage of time. Apple updated its list of ‘vintage’ and obsolete products on July 1, including the iPhone X and the first generation of AirPods and HomePod.

According to the MacRumors website, the list of ‘vintage’ and obsolete products is a document where the Cupertino company lists all the products that it no longer offers official support. In the case of the term ‘vintage’ (aged in Spanish), for Apple this refers to products that have stopped being sold for more than five years, but less than seven.

This means that while owners of these products will have support for them – read the option of being able to take them to the brand’s stores for technical support – for only two more years before they are finally abandoned by the company.

Being considered ‘vintage’ is a curious fate for a phone that came out in 2017 and headphones that hit the market in 2016, but in the world of gadgets and smartphones, technological advances are taking place in leaps and bounds.

It is worth remembering that the iPhone X was particularly relevant in Apple’s history, as it marked the tenth anniversary of its flagship phone. Additionally, it introduced advances such as the Face ID facial recognition system and the removal of the previously classic Home button.

By Editor

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