Meta changes 'AI-powered' label to 'AI Insights' to give more details about image content

Meta has begun to tag images that have been generated or edited with Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as ‘AI Information’,instead of using the label ‘Made with AI’, to provide more details about how such technology has been used and if it is a matter of “minor modifications”.

To promote the transparency of its tools, the technology company led by Mark Zuckerberg announced in February of this year that it would begin to identify Realistic content generated by AI tools to be published on their social networks (Facebook, Instagram and Threads).

Currently these tags are displayed as ‘Made with AI’ for those images in which this technology has been used. However, They apply to both content that has actually been generated from scratch using AIlike those Images that are real but have received some retouching using some tool.

Some Professional photographers shared their complaints about this measurewho claimed to have shared photos with some AI-based editing to clean up the image and, despite showing authentic content, were automatically labeled ‘Made with AI’. This was explained by those affected at the end of June, among whom was former White House photographer Pete Souza.

Meta claimed that they were working on a new approach that indicates the degree of use of the AI ​​tool that has a labeled content“We are taking recent feedback into account and continuing to evaluate our approach to ensure our labels reflect the amount of AI used in an image,” he explained at the time.

Now, has begun replacing the label ‘Made with AI’ with ‘AI Insights’ for content in which any tool powered by this technology has been used, so that the Users will be able to click on the label to obtain more information on how AI has been used in the image.

This has been detailed by the technology company in an update to the statement of labels for AI-generated content on its website, where it has clarified that its labels “were not always aligned with people’s expectations and did not always provide enough context.”

The firm has made it so that, to evaluate whether something has been created with AI, it is based on industry standard indicators that “other companies include in content created with their tools.” If the content posted on their social networks meets these standards, it is labeled ‘Made with AI’.

However, he has admitted that Some labeled content included only “minor edits” made using AI toolssuch as retouching colors or the focus of an image.

For clarify the reasons why content is labeledMeta ha updated label to ‘AI Information’ across all of its social networks, so that users will only have to click on the tag to receive information about why they have been tagged and to what extent AI has been used.

By Editor

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