Elon Musk challenges Mark Zuckerberg to a fight again: this is how the CEO of Meta responded

Elon Musk has reignited the spark of his rivalry with Mark Zuckerberg by launching a new combat challenge. This time, the CEO of Tesla has proposed a showdown, once again sparking interest and speculation. Zuckerberg was quick to respond to the challenge.

Elon Musk declared in Washington: “I will fight Zuckerberg anywhere, anywhere, under any rules”. This statement came during his visit to the Capitol to attend a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Zuckerberg responded via Threads with an ironic phrase: “Are we really doing this again?”.

As Infobae reports, the rivalry between the two tech moguls began in June 2023, when Musk challenged Zuckerberg following rumors about a new Meta social network. Although Zuckerberg launched Threads in July, the confrontation has not yet materialized.

It is worth mentioning that the CEO of Meta practices mixed martial arts and has won numerous medals in jiu-jitsu tournaments, which gives him an advantage over Musk.

However, despite Zuckerberg’s continued provocations and willingness, the possibility of a real confrontation remains uncertain.

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