MetaAI is on WhatsApp: here are some uses you can give to artificial intelligence

Two years ago we were surprised by the presentation of ChatGPT. Today, attendees of artificial intelligence are becoming more common and Meta is integrating its chatbot MetaAI to their social networks.

It can now be found on WhatsApp, but Mark Zuckerberg’s company also plans to integrate its chatbot into Instagram and Facebook.

According to a report from Xataka, the assistant is already available in at least 20 countries, although in Europe the introduction of AI will take longer due to regulatory measures.

Since this is a new technology for many, here are some of the uses that can be given to the new artificial intelligence assistant.

First, you need to write more precise messages. In the case of WhatsApp, you can find the best way to say something, like when you want to remind someone of a meeting, without sounding imposing. You can consult MetaAI.

MetaAI allows you to create images and integrate them into a conversation. (Photo:

On the other hand, it also allows you to analyze texts or make a summary. When there is no time to read long documents, MetaAI can make a summary or highlight the most important points by giving a command: “Tell me the five most important points of this decree/document/web page: [aquí va el enlace enlace]”.

You can also do some math. In very practical cases, you can ask MetaAI to calculate the percentage of a tip at a restaurant or split the bill.

Another practical function is the translation of texts (even in different versions) or the consultation on some topics of history, science, technology, art, literature, and more. And, of course, you can also create images that can be added to a conversation (albeit with security restrictions).

Finally, it is a chatbot and you can also start a conversation with the assistant. From any chat window you can mention @MetaAI to make its contribution to the conversation, with all the previous functions.

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