Travelling abroad? Operators can only activate roaming with your express authorization

If you travel outside the country during your vacation or on this long holiday for Fiestas Patrias, you have the option to activate the service of roaming international on your cell phone. We explain what this service consists of, which can be activated or deactivated by the operating company only with the express authorization of the subscriber.

According to the director of Attention and User Protection of OSIPTEL, Tatiana Piccini Antón, the roaming International is a service, also known as international mobile roamingwhich allows you to maintain an Internet connection, calls, sending and receiving messages through your cell phone in the country you are visiting. It can be requested by prepaid or postpaid mobile service subscribers from their operating company in their place of origin.

When a subscriber requests activation of the service, the operator must inform him/her of his/her right to choose the duration of said activation. In addition, the activation or deactivation of the service roaming International transfer will be made within a period of no more than 24 hours following the completion of said request.

Obligations of the operating company

“The operator company cannot charge a fee for the activation or deactivation of the service,” warned Piccini Antón. During the contracting process, the operator must provide the subscriber with the conditions of contracting and use of the service. roamingas well as the applicable rates for the provision of voice, messaging or data services, for frequent destinations and, where applicable, for border areas.

The subscriber must also be informed of the right to receive a receipt with details of the consumption made. In the case of prepaid subscribers, they must receive an electronic detail showing the consumption by email or through a computer tool implemented by the operating company on its website.

The operating company must also make available to users the means through which they can request free information and assistance when using this service abroad. It must also send the electronic link that leads directly to specific information about the service. roaming and the toll-free telephone number that it implements for the purpose of answering questions and making complaints related to the service.

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