5 Job Sectors That Will Be in High Demand in the Future (and the Skills Needed to Succeed in Them) | TECHNOLOGY

He labor market is changing faster than ever and many of today’s jobs will soon disappear.

According to a recent study by the World Economic Forum, there are two main factors that are changing things: the emergence of new technologies, automation and the movement towards a green economy and sustainability.

The rapid advance of new technologies such as Big Data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence is expected to bring radical changes to the labour market.

The good news is that the arrival of new technologies gives a boost to the entire economy and, although destroys some jobs, creates many others After all, when a company can accomplish more with fewer resources, it naturally expands.

Researchers at the World Economic Forum say that almost a quarter of all current professions will change in the next five years.

Therefore, to be successful in an increasingly competitive job market, it will be necessary to constantly learn new skills and hone capabilities.

Main skills

The technical literacy It is one of the main skills that must be acquired in order to have a competitive position in the new labor market.

This doesn’t mean that everyone needs to know programming languages ​​or understand the ins and outs of machine learning.

So-called “STEM jobs” are believed to become more popular in the future.

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But in the future, it is believed that the STEM jobs will be in even greater demand. STEM is an acronym used to group together the distinct but related technical disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

So, if you are wondering what subjects your child should focus on in school, here is the answer: math, computer science and natural sciences.

The next skill to consider is the analytical thinking To improve it, it is necessary to hone cognitive abilities, that is, the mind and the ability to notice patterns, connect facts and draw conclusions that are not clouded by emotions or personal preferences.

In order to do this, it is necessary training attention and concentrationbecause gadgets, social media, online games and ads constantly compete for our attention and create a fear of missing out.

Analytical skills also include Curiosity and continued self-education and to constantly improve and learn, you need to be able to focus on a goal.

Learn English at a high level It is also a very valuable skill to acquire.

Besides, creativity: In science, engineering, design or art, the sought-after promotion will go to the person who manages to combine technical literacy with creativity.

Communication and empathy These will be two highly valued skills, especially in the era of artificial intelligence.

No matter how fast machines develop, People will always need other people and human attention, teamwork, the ability to listen, tell a story, support and sympathize will be even more valued.

According to a report published in 2020 on LinkedIn, a social media platform for professionals, Communication has already become the most in-demand skill in today’s job market.

“With the rise in the use of AI and robotics in the workplace, an increasingly remote workforce, and technology allowing us to connect with people around the world, it’s never been more important that we know how to talk to and listen to one another and build connection,” says Dan Negroni, an expert in talent and workplace engagement.

1. New technologies

It is no surprise that information technology and new technologies are also among the most promising sectors for the near future.

The development of artificial intelligence and machine learning will bring with it very interesting opportunities.

One of the professions with the most future in this field is rapid engineering or instructions (prompt engineering in English), a specialist in communication with artificial intelligence models who helps to correctly formulate requests and acts as a kind of intermediary between artificial intelligence and people.

There will likely be no shortage of jobs for cybersecurity specialists in the near future.

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Other possible jobs related to AI are: Ethics specialists security engineers and developers of user-friendly interfaces for human-machine interaction.

In general, when it comes to artificial intelligence, people from various professions are advised not to view it as a competitor, but as a partner, and to know how to cooperate with it.

Another field of possibilities is the Big Data Analysis a huge variety of information, ranging from online platforms such as Netflix to the hadron collider or control systems.

Surely there will be no shortage of work for the cybersecurity specialists simply because there will be more sensitive information.

Financial technology specialists, business analysts and blockchain system developers will also be needed.

2. “Green” jobs

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023, demand for “green” jobs is growing rapidly across all sectors and industries.

“Globally, the green transition could create 30 million jobs in clean energy efficiency and low-emission technologies by 2030,” the report says.

For now, the leading countries in terms of new job opportunities in green energy and sustainable development are Western countries and Japan. China is gradually catching up.

These jobs may be related to business, science, politics or directly to the environment, within sectors that work on the development of renewable energy or new sources of energy and batteries, the preservation of endangered species, business consulting or, for example, legal practice and changes in environmental protection laws.

There will also be a need for urban planners, architects, designers and smart home builders.

3. Health professionals

The world’s population is ageing and life expectancy is increasing. Care and treatment of older people will become increasingly necessary.

Doctors and health specialists will be in high demand as long as they learn and adapt to new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

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Therefore, there will continue to be a high demand for healthcare professionals in the near future.

Particularly valuable will be healthcare professionals who not only provide patients with medicines, but also moral support.

Doctors and healthcare specialists will have to constantly learn and adapt to new diagnostic and treatment methods. Artificial intelligence will also help.

There will also be work for psychotherapists and various personal development mentors or instructors of spiritual practices.

4. Manual work

In the coming years, there will continue to be a need for professionals in manual jobs such as mechanics, repairmen, electricians or builders.

Demand for new professions in agriculture is also expected to grow.

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In the event that small and precise tasks need to be performed in different circumstances, the human being will still be irreplaceable.

But to stay afloat and in demand, these specialists will also need to constantly improve their technical knowledge and Mastering new smart tools.

Demand for new professions in agriculture is also expected to increase. The world’s population is growing and everyone needs to eat. But, once again, demand will be more skilled engineers than farmers.

5. Storytelling

Another profession, which is rarely mentioned, but which will undoubtedly continue to be needed in the future, is that of storytellers.

The arts and any creative work related to the transmission of human experience will survive despite the challenges.

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Just as was necessary thousands of years ago, any creative work related to the transmission of human experience will continue to be essential.

We will continue to need writers, poets, directors, actors, comedians, artists and musicians even if artificial intelligence poses new challenges in these sectors.

Jobs that will cease to exist

There will be many jobs that will soon begin to disappear from the labor market. These are the types of jobs that are increasingly easier to automate.

Below is a list of possible jobs that could disappear from the labor market soon:

  • Customer service (cashiers, salespeople, consultants, etc.)
  • Office management (due to the increase in remote work)
  • Data entry (statisticians, financial professionals, typists, technical translators)
  • Accounting
  • Factory workers performing repetitive tasks.

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