Prototype controller for the ‘Nintendo PlayStation’ sells for US,000

It is a well-known story in the world of video games that before Nintendo y PlayStation/Sony became fierce rivals for supremacy in the console market, they attempted to collaborate to create a console called the Super NES CD-ROM (SNES-CD).

Only 200 prototypes of this device were created, but most of these were destroyed when the partnership dissolved. One collector has just gotten a physical piece of that history by purchasing a controller. the missing console for the high sum of US$35 thousand.

The acquisition was made during an auction on August 23 organized by Heritage Auctions and shows a controller almost identical to the Japanese version of the Nintendo console, known as Super Famicom. It is not the first object related to the failed collaboration between Nintendo and Sony to reach an auction and In 2020, Heritage Auctions sold a complete console for the hefty sum of US$360,000.

The proposed console was to be able to play Super Nintendo cartridges as well as the then-new CD-ROM format games called Super Disc. Problems between the two companies, including issues with software licensing, led to the partnership eventually dissolving, forever changing the lives of gamers for decades to come.

Sony would later release its now famous PlayStation series of consoles – currently in its fifth generation -, while Nintendo partnered with Sony rival Dutch conglomerate Phillips to create the less successful CD-i.

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