This phone brand has put an end to remote work: it requires workers to return to the office

With the Covid-19 pandemic, remote work became widespread, and many companies resorted to it to stay afloat, but little by little some have returned to the face-to-face model like this one. phone signature which joins the other technological brands.

This is Nothing Phone. The company has issued a statement to its employees announcing the irreversible decision to return to the offices, due to the need to maintain the quality of its products.

The telephony brand joins other technology companies such as Sam Altman’s OpenAI or Elon Musk’s Tesla, who have already expressed their rejection of this way of working, also known as home office.

According to the media outlet Computer Hoy, it has not yet been determined whether remote work reduces productivity in some companies. Carl Pei, CEO of Nothing Phone, was initially in favour of a hybrid model.

A statement released by the company said the company’s way of operating does not work well remotely and they must guarantee the quality of their products. According to the report, workers have been told there is no other option and have been left free to find another company if they do not agree.

And the competition in the telephone industry is becoming more pronounced with the introduction of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, Nothing equips its devices with Android and they stand out for their good quality-price ratio.

By Editor

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