Humidity increases in September, morning fogs are known

Helsinki’s thick morning fog is due to the fact that the air humidity is increasing.

The summary is made by artificial intelligence and checked by a human.

Dense morning fog reduced visibility in Helsinki on Thursday.

Thick fog was also observed elsewhere in Finland in lake regions and near river banks.

Morning fogs become more common in autumn due to moist air and the approach of the dew point.

The fog dissipates after noon at the latest, when the Sun starts to warm the air.

kick off morning fog reduced visibility in Helsinki early in the morning and early afternoon on Thursday.

Similar thick fog was also observed in other parts of Finland in lake regions and near riverbanks, says the meteorologist of the Finnish Meteorological Institute Eetu Rimo.

Morning fogs become more common in autumn. There is more and more moisture in the air, and the air temperature is approaching the dew point.

Helsinki in the region, on Thursday morning, the wind also blew from the south from the sea and brought moist air over the city.

The temperature is colder in land areas than in the sea. Therefore, the moisture flowing from the south condenses on the ground into fog.

The fog dissipates at the latest in the morning or immediately after the sun starts to warm the air, says Rimo.

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